Internet Product Council Released Review Of Controversial Software Created By Ex-Paypal Co-founder

nternet product reviewer has announced review for controversial 'Profit Siege' software. First in-depth look at former Paypal co-creator, Steven Round's 'Profit Siege'.

'Profit Siege' is a new program created by former PayPal co-creator Steven Round. Round claims he has reinvented the wheel, so to speak - able to drive torrents of traffic from a source that he's managed to keep confidential. In other words, Round has struck gold. Or has he?

Until now, Round's claim to fame was his success with PayPal - creating the software that allowed Paypal to freeze and suspend activity on Paypal accounts. Round was intrigued by the sheer size of some of the larger accounts and began researching how these accounts generated such staggering wealth. Ultimately, Rounds assymbled a team of programmers to exploit this information, within the legal guidelines, and construct an 'autopilot' program to supplement his income.

Surprisingly, Profit Siege has been able to back up Round's claims, earning a rare 4 out of 5 rating. This software is becoming wildly popular. It allows you to enter through the back door to find what the big boys are doing to earn, easily drives massive amounts of traffic to your website, and creates money generating websites on the fly. Most importantly, the sources Round uses are virtually untapped (for now) - translating into unlimited earning potential.

To read more about the Profit Siege software, visit:

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