Internet Marketing: Instant Cash Empire Brings Total Automation To Internet Marketing

Internet marketing product launches come thick and fast and sometimes sales can tail off in the second week of a product launch after the initial euphoria. But if anything with the newly released Instant Cash Empire sales continue to increase.

Internet Marketing: Instant Cash Empire Brings Total Automation To Internet Marketing

Internet marketing product launches come thick and fast and sometimes sales can tail off in the second week of a product launch after the initial euphoria but if anything the newly released Instant Cash Empire has bucked the trend and continues to delight the market

The product appears to satisfy the desire of newbie's and experienced marketers alike for total automation. One affiliate commented "What we don't want is HTML or PHP coding we certainly don't want to spend forever and a day back linking and we don't want to fiddle around with banners or doing any of a 101 things the Gurus want us to do" the good news for Internet marketing is that Instant Cash Empire apparently delivers the goods. According to one of the key developers the brief from Andrew X the creator was to come up with a product that worked on complete "autopilot".

Internet Marketing experts certainly do not always agree on strategy but most internet gurus would agree that traffic is at least 50% one half of the simple formula for internet wealth. But until last week there did not appear to be a sensible way to get traffic without destroying ones credit cards. The beauty of Instant Cash Empire appears to be that the entire traffic generation chore is all done for you. You can then get stated building an a small empire of cash sites in another niche

Andrew X is a respected Internet Marketing expert with several No 1 launches behind him but with the new product launch going so well even this plain speaking entrepreneur must felt a degree of satisfaction. Whether this is his finest hour remains to be seen but certainly he seems to come up with something that the great mass of marketers have been desperate for something that produces instant cash robots at the drop of a hat or "7 clicks of a mouse" according to the promotional material.

More importantly the thorny problem of generating traffic without spending a small fortune appears to have finally brought the promise of making a genuine living and possibly substantial wealth to the ordinary non technical customer

A brief bullet point summary of Internet Marketing newest star Instant Cash Empire can be found on this simple You Tube video

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