Internet Marketing Companies Back To Clean Up The Mess Caused Byy Google Panda & Penguin

Internet based companies who rely on Google traffic now have a reason to smile. Panda & Penguin updates may have caused temporary setbacks for some and big surprises for others, but the good news is, it's actually good in many ways.

"We at VOCSO believe in taking the right path towards the goal and don't make any hasty decisions or adapt any shortcuts. What's been going on recently with Google is another big reason why everyone should learn a big lesson from this" says Deepak Chauhan, CEO, VOCSO TECHNOLOGIES (P) LTD.

The online marketing industry was hit badly by Google Panda & Penguin in quarter 2 this year, which resulted many companies shutting down or at least firing their resources up to 50%. After a chaos for quite some time now, internet marketing professionals are all set to play the top ranking game again. "We've learnt that Google now has special focus on Content, User Experience & click through rate (CTR). This makes it important for the internet businesses to consider this seriously and only involve competitive professionals and vendors." says Susheel Kumar, Internet Marketing Specialist at VOCSO.

There is a sudden rise in the no. of projects related to wordpress, user interface design, proof reading & content writing in addition to the search engine optimization. A lot of companies and marketing professionals involved into content plagiarism are going to be out of jobs unless they take a U-turn.

The web is definitely going to be a better place with quality content and great user experience.

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VOCSO.COM ( VOCSO TECHNOLOGIES (P) LTD) is a an emerging website design, development & marketing agency that builds professional and custom websites and web applications to drive prospects and better sales conversions.


If you would like more information about this topic, or to schedule an interview with Deepak Chauhan, please call Manoj Parashar at +91 9891045644/+91 0129 4100538 or email at

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