Internet Entrepreneur Jesse Willms Launches Canadian Blog

Jesse Willms discusses the launch of his new Canadian blog. He notes that the blog will be updated regularly and include information on charities, business related articles and advice for aspiring entrepreneurs.

Noted Edmonton entrepreneur, Jesse Willms, has created a Canadian blog to give advice to up and coming businesspeople and help promote the charitable non-profit groups he supports.

The site can be found at Jesse Willms' Canadian Blog

"There have been a lot of things written about me online," Willms said. "Some of it true, some of it not. I wanted to launch my own site in order to give people a chance to know me. I also wanted to use the blog to help others get started in business and build awareness for reputable charity organizations."

Willms is fairly well known in the Edmonton community. He ran his first business from his basement when he was 16 years old. Now 23, he has grown that business into a multimillion-dollar company.
Last summer he was inspired by Bill Gates and Warren Buffett, who challenged entrepreneurs to find ways to give back to the community. Since then he has donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to charities and volunteered many hours of his time.

"I think it's important to help people, whether they are members of your local community or children in impoverished nations," Willms said. "You can't live your life simply to make a ton of money. You have to give back."

The blog contains entries about how he got started in business. But it also includes many articles with advice to aspiring entrepreneurs on how to run their companies ethically and honestly while still making a profit.

"I made some mistakes when I started out because I was teaching myself how to be a good businessman," Willms said. "Right now I'd like to help other young entrepreneurs avoid the mistakes I've made and learn from my experience."

Other entries go into detail about the charitable organizations he has supported and why he thinks they are worthwhile.

"When I first decided to become a philanthropist I asked the organizations what I could do to help," Willms said. "They told me that giving money was a start, but more important was to spread the word about their good deeds and encourage other people to support them as well."

Willms said the blog would be updated on a regular basis.

"I hope this will be an informative tool for anyone who wants to get into business online and support reputable non-profit groups," Willms said.

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