International Quality Network Publishes Global Guide to Good Distribution Practices

Cold Chain IQ publishes new infographic on international GDP guidelines, the world's leading temperature logistics and quality control online community has publishes a new one page infographic which collates key regulatory GDP guidelines across the globe.

Good Distribution Practice (GDP) is the part of quality assurance which ensures that products are consistently stored, transported and handled under suitable condition as required by the marketing authorisation (MA) or product specification. Due to various regional practices and laws, there is no single global GDP standard that unifies the industry.

"For professionals operating in temperature controlled supply, complying with international regulatory guidelines is an absolutely critical function of their work. This guide will enable professionals to quickly ascertain what criteria they need to fulfil for each major territory and guarantee regulatory approval," said Courtney Becker-James, Global Head of Cold Chain IQ.

The infographic was produced by Cold Chain IQ, and provides links to regulations and guidelines for the distribution of medicinal products, including:

• World Health Organization (WHO)
• United States Pharmacopeia (USP)
• Health Canada
• National Administration of Drugs, Foods and Medical Devices (ANMAT)
• European Medicines Agency (EMA)
• Health Sciences Authority (HSA)
• Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA)

To learn more about this download the infographic here: A One Page Guide to Global GDP Guidelines

For more information on GDP and regulatory guidelines visit

Editors Notes

About Cold Chain IQ
Cold Chain IQ is an international online resource centre for the temperature control life science professional. Cold Chain IQ delivers insightful, unbiased information about today's key issues and challenges via expert analysis, industry news, expert interviews, video features and top-rated presentations from Cold Chain IQ global temp control supply chain event series.

Cold Chain IQ focuses on all areas of temperature controlled logistics, distribution and quality in pharmaceuticals and biotechnology.

Cold Chain IQ, part of IQPC, maintains the largest cool chain pharmaceutical international database, offering strategic partners, members and contributors an unparalleled opportunity to network, share ideas and disseminate best practice information across the globe with peers.

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