International Nonprofit Water4 to Host Walk4Water4 Event in Oklahoma City Oct. 1, 2022
OKLAHOMA CITY, September 14, 2022 ( - On Oct. 1, Water4, an international nonprofit headquartered in Oklahoma, will host Walk4Water4 at Scissortail Park to raise $505,000 to provide over 18,000 people with access to safe water in Sub-Saharan Africa. More than 400 participants will walk in unity to raise awareness of the 2.1 billion people living without safe water and the walk that they endure daily to collect water from contaminated sources. Water4 is proud to announce its presenting sponsors, Simple Modern and the Jasco Giving Hope Foundation. Water4 and the Walk4Water4 event are also supported by Crossings Community Church, Pumps of Oklahoma, David and Lezlie Hudiberg and Greg and Susan Kannady.
"We all need some hope, and a way to do something of impact right now. Walk4Water4 is a chance to join in a walk similar to what mothers and girls make each day around the world: carry physical water like they do and be inspired to end the biggest problem facing billions in the world every single day. Come experience their challenges and be a part of the solution," says Matt Hangen, Water4 President and CEO.
Walk4Water4 is a free, family-friendly and pet-friendly event open to the public that encourages participants to experience a three-mile walk to fetch water in an act of solidarity with and for those who must make the walk for water daily around the world. Registration is required and participants are encouraged to raise funds to help provide access to safe water in countries where Water4 is working to eradicate the water crisis.
Along with the walk, the event will include activities for children hosted by the Oklahoma Science Museum, a bounce house, live music from Sound Advyce, a special performance by Monyawi Global Music from Monroe Elementary School, food trucks, and more.
Water4, a faith-based nonprofit founded in 2008 by Oklahomans Dick and Terri Greenly, harnesses a market-based approach to safe water services, equipping local entrepreneurs in developing countries to provide sustainable safe water access to every home, school and clinic in their communities.
"Water4 is one of Simple Modern's core giving partnerships. They are making a difference in the lives of many people by providing clean drinking water in a sustainable way. I personally appreciate the way they are serving people, both physically and spiritually. They represent all of the best aspects of a nonprofit organization," said Mike Beckham, Chief Executive Officer, Simple Modern.
Since its inception, Water4 and its partners have impacted the lives of almost two million people in more than 35 countries through the power of safe and Living water. Read more about its mission and impact around the world at
Source: Water4