Intellitracker Partner With Adtraka To Provide Intelligent Off & Online PPC Marketing Data Integration

Intellitracker today announce their partnership with Adtraka to provide an integration of offline and online PPC marketing activity data.

Intellitracker today announce their partnership with Adtraka to provide an integration of offline and online PPC marketing activity data.

Adtraka provide a telephone conversation tracking system as part of their Adtraka Marketing Optimization Suite. The Adtraka telephone conversion tracking tool works in two ways; to provide their clients with an accurate way of identifying exactly which web visitors are calling them and to enable their clients to access all the search data associated with each of these visitors, including keyphrases and referrers.

This works when a prospective visitor searches for your services online. They visit your website after clicking on your online PPC advert (Adwords Ad). This initiates the Adtraka code to request a unique telephone number from the server which is in turn shown on the website to that specific visitor. When the visitor rings the number to speak to the call centre, Adtraka recognises this and passes the call history to Google Analytics to knit together with the initial online search data.

By integrating with Intellitracker, Adtraka can go one step further. Intellitracker's data model provides a detailed profile of what a visitor has done over time, in other words, a complete profile history of that visitor. Not only can Intellitracker knit together the call history with the initial search data (on that particular occasion), but we can also tie this in with any historic data of that visitor, thus enabling the previous communications path that led to the visitor conversion to be understood. For example, previous to this conversion, had the visitor received an email recommending special offers on your website? Had they previously clicked on another 'ad' and visited your website but not converted? By integrating this offline activity data (the phone call) with online activity data, we can provide a complete lifetime profile view of a visitor. This type of behavioural data can be further used for segmentation targeting in the future.

Commenting on the partnership, Simon Roberts, Head of Client Services says "The integration with Adtraka adds another string to our bow. Being able to marry offline data, such as telephone enquiries, with our own online data means we are providing our clients with a holistic view of visitor behaviour."