Insight Marketing Group Gets Into the Holiday Spirit

The holiday season is here and the team at Insight Marketing Group is getting into the spirit. As the associates prepare to enjoy the festivities, the managers offer a few tips to make the season bright for all.

“There’s certainly a spirited feeling in the air this time of year,” said Nicole H., Insight Marketing Group’s president. “There are a few things to keep in mind for your office as you prepare celebrations.”

Among the considerations Nicole suggested is to be mindful of office diversity. “While many people celebrate Christmas, not everyone does,” she said. “We try to be sensitive to those who might observe different traditions or holidays.”

"At Insight Marketing Group, we include our entire team in holiday activity planning. This is greatly aligned with our overall company culture,"

Nicole , President

“At Insight Marketing Group, we include our entire team in holiday activity planning. This is greatly aligned with our overall company culture,” she added. “This way, we can incorporate what’s important to everyone. For example, you can have a holiday party centered on Christmas themes, but for the gift exchange, incorporate a different tradition, like spinning the dreidel. This way, you’re fostering a greater understanding of each other’s values. This promotes stronger working relationships throughout the year.”

Nicole also noted that the holiday season might not be as jolly for everyone in the office. “Stress levels and depression can be higher this time of year,” she advised. “Do keep an eye out for coworkers who might be struggling. Loss, financial issues, and a host of other concerns can be magnified during a season in which everyone is supposed to be filled with joy. Sometimes the best gift you can give someone is support.”

Insight Marketing Group President on Why Holiday Parties Can Be Giveback Opportunities

In addition to supporting colleagues who might be struggling this season, Nicole acknowledged the importance of spreading holiday cheer to those in need in the community. “Giving back to the community is part of Insight Marketing Group’s year-round company culture,” she noted. “However, we do step up our game a tad during the holidays. In fact, we like to tie giveback to the company’s holiday celebrations.”

Nicole suggested that the office holiday parties incorporate gift-drive themes. “To attend, ask everyone to bring a donation for a selected charity,” she advised. “Gather your team’s input and decide what types of causes you’d like to support. While food drives and toy drives are traditional, you can use your imagination. Perhaps check with a local shelter or food pantry and adopt an entire family. Local nursing homes or veterans’ homes are also options, because many residents have no family to visit them and could use some cheer. Some company teams will organize care packages for military men and women living in conflict zones. The possibilities are endless.”

“Whether it’s holiday gatherings or giving back, just remember you don’t have to limit good cheer to one month a year,” Nicole concluded. “You’ll find that your company culture is better for the effort.”

About Insight Marketing Group

Insight Marketing Group specializes in the planning and deployment of event-based promotions that guarantee lasting and measurable growth in the marketplace. By leveraging thorough research and analysis, as well as groundbreaking marketing channels, Insight Marketing Group’s innovative team of brand ambassadors design dynamic initiatives that intrigue targeted audiences and increase revenue remarkably. They accomplish this through the cultivation of mutually beneficial connections between clients and their consumers. The firm’s success has established it as a leading consulting and advertising services provider in the industry, and it is expected to grow exponentially in the future. For more information, visit today.