Innovative Universal Design Luxury Home in Chicago
CHICAGO, September 28, 2017 ( - PH2 Square is proud to announce the completion of innovative horticultural design at its luxury home at 4885 N. Hermitage, Chicago, IL. The Hermitage house is not only innovative in its architecture and features, it is unique in its revolutionary concepts for the property's multiple outdoor spaces. Think of it as green space that maximizes the benefits and positive attributes found in nature. Multiple studies have shown that landscape design like the one here can alleviate stress, provide a place of relaxation, promote health by stimulating all of the senses, and encourage passive and active interactions for all members of the household. As part of the price of the house, the developer has included follow up visits by the horticulturalist to insure the green space is in keeping with the needs of the family.
4885 N. Hermitage is a spectacular contemporary home in Chicago's Ravenswood neighborhood. It's built from a one of a kind design providing luxury living for families of all abilities. Its 4,500 square feet holds five bedrooms, five bathrooms, a grand open plan living/dining/kitchen, plus a one bedroom apartment which is separate from yet attached to the main house. There is an elevator to take you to all three floors of living space, with a charming deck and green space in a tranquil courtyard. Both Chicago Magazine and Crain's Chicago Business have reported on the special qualities of the home.
Hermitage House is a development project of PH2 Square, LLC. PH2 Square is dedicated to designing, developing, and building dwellings based on Universal Design principles to create beautiful, thoughtful multi-generational home environments for people of all ages and abilities. Future projects include condominium buildings on Chicago's north side and affordable housing on the South Side.
Source: PH2 Square, LLC