Innovative Marketing Grows Through Collaboration

The team members at Innovative Marketing are gearing up for growth in 2016. The company's Director announced an enhanced training initiative with an emphasis on collaboration to propel their efforts.

“Innovative Marketing has grown considerably since its launch, but we still have more to achieve,” said John, the firm’s Director. “In fact, if we lose focus on our expansion goals even for a moment, we risk irrelevancy in the competitive world of business. None of us are willing to take that chance! That’s why my colleagues and I are implementing a new initiative in 2016. It will cover hiring, training, and team building. Collaboration is at the core of it all.”

John also acknowledged that, as Innovative Marketing grows, the need for additional talent will rise as well. As the company’s leaders prepare for a hiring push, they will be focusing their efforts on individuals with energy, a willingness to learn, and a team-oriented mind-set. He explained that the success of the firm is only as promising as the people who run it, so onboarding the right crew is imperative to a bright future.

"Just the experience of learning new things together will work wonders for strengthening the collaborative atmosphere here at Innovative Marketing,"

John, Director

“I invite career-driven individuals with a passion to excel in sales and marketing to apply through our website,” John stated. “Prior experience in this industry is great, but it isn’t necessary. With our state-of-the-art training and coaching program, all new hires will learn what they need to thrive with us. I can’t wait to welcome more ambitious professionals to our collaborative group!”

Innovative Marketing’s Director Highlights Effective Techniques for Promoting Team Collaboration

According to John, the new training initiative will include a number of helpful strategies for boosting office collaboration. “Just the experience of learning new things together will work wonders for strengthening the collaborative atmosphere here at Innovative Marketing,” he continued. “In addition, we’ll be holding some of our sessions away from the office. Changing scenery will not only remove us from the usual workplace distractions, but it helps us shift perspective and better focus on each other.”

Knowledge sharing and cross-training will also play important roles in building team collaboration. Team members will take turns presenting information on their responsibilities to the group. Discovering what each other does on a daily basis will help associates understand how and why each role complements one another and helps the whole move toward a common goal.

“Creating more understanding is expected to have the biggest impact on collaboration,” John concluded. “It leads to more transparency and more effective communication. Things will inevitably run more smoothly than ever, which means 2016 will be our best year yet!”

About Innovative Marketing

Innovative Marketing is a high-performing provider of dynamic promotional campaigns that drive business growth and accelerate market expansion. The firm’s team of branding specialists has the skill and versatility needed to increase profitability for clients of all sizes. By applying in-depth market research and demographic analysis, Innovative Marketing delivers consistent results that clients see in both increased brand loyalty and enhanced bottom lines. The company maintains a commitment to professional development to ensure that each promotional initiative is powered by the collaborative efforts of an exceptional team. To learn more about how Innovative Marketing and their dynamic marketing and consulting services, visit the company’s website today.