Infusioncon Will Re-Introduce 135 Year Old Technology

Infusioncon Will Re-Introduce 135 Year Old Technology hear about it in Arizona.

In Arizona over 1,000 Infusionsoft users (and non-users) will gather for Infusioncon and discover a 135 years old technology proven to boost sales.

Anyone can be anyone, or say anything, online and it has changed how people shop. Internet users are looking for signs of authenticity, transparency, authority and most of all: trust. Meanwhile, marketers are going further and further away from what actually work because most are taught to automate their businesses in the most cold, mechanical way possible like using CRMs such as Infusionsoft. But as power as Infusionsoft is it's cold, clinical system becomes dynamic, and trustworthy, when adding the human voice through a telephone.

"Everything from autoresponder to pre-recorded webinars are all an attempt to make sales funnel more dynamic and relevant to the prospects anyway, so why not just put a human in there since no machine can do it better. We have proven it boost sales," said co-founder Scott Labell. "The power actually lies in the human voice, not the technology. People trust people, not websites. Our team of people adds a steady 7 figured to the bottom line of our new clients very rapidly. It just works. "

Labell and his partner and co-founder Bruce Alexander Prokopets have been consulted on integrating telesales with online lead generation for nearly a decade but only just recently opened a "plug and play" telesales office so that online marketers can outsource to them. "No one offers what we offer. This is not a boiler room or office full of high school aged telemarketers. This is scalable and effective outsourced consultative sales" says Prokopets.

Both Labell and Prokopets will be spending time traveling to various business conferences in the U.S. the spread the word and evangelize the "telesales meets internet" strategy and their particular brand of it. You can meet them both at Infusioncon in Arizona.

For more information on Labell and Prokopets and how they boost sales with the human voice contact them.

About We are the Next Level

We are the Next Level
2307 Fenton Pkwy #107-186
San Diego, CA
