Info-Shred Gears Up For Bright Future With New Truck, Shredding Facility And Website.

Info-Shred Has redone it's logo and website to better reflect where it is now and where it would like to go in the future.

Info-Shred gears up for bright future with new truck, shredding facility and website.

HUDSONVILLE, MI-Info-Shred, a mobile document-shredding company, is upgrading equipment and unveiling a new website and company identity to meet the demands of its growing enterprise.

Info-Shred experienced a 30% growth in the last year, and the new truck, which shreds four times faster and holds three times as much paper as the old one, is essential in keeping up with the expanding client base and high volume needs of large customers.

"We're still growing," said Dan Dykstra, founder and CEO of Info-Shred. "I'm not willing to sacrifice the outstanding customer service the company was built on, and adding a truck that can shred faster and store more paper means I won't have to."

Dykstra also revealed plans to open a new shredding facility in Hudsonville on July 1. The exact location won't be disclosed to the general public, ensuring customers' information stays as safe and secure as possible throughout the entire shredding process, but the facility will further increase Info-Shred's productivity and ability to serve its customers.

The new website contains everything a customer would need in an easy-to-navigate, informational manner. Customers can learn about the importance of shredding, get tips on what should and must be shredded, read testimonials from satisfied customers and contact Info-Shred to schedule appointments. The site also drives home the importance of shredding with links to articles about the dangers of improper disposal of sensitive documents.

Info-Shred's new logo and identity better reflect where the company is and where it's going. The green in the logo represents Info-Shred's green status, recycling over 90% of what they take in, and the blue/green is the recognized color of recycling.

"July marks six years in business," said Dykstra. "It's an exciting time and I wanted to connect with the community with a recognizable, consistent brand."

Based in Hudsonville and serving all of West Michigan, Info-Shred was founded by Dan Dykstra in 2004 to combat the growing problem of identity theft and patient privacy. Since then, Info-Shred has helped protect the identities of thousands of people by obliterating their sensitive information.

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About info-shred LLC

info-shred LLC
PO Box 208
Hudsonville, MI
