Indoor Virtual Surf Contests Using Real Electronic Surfboards Linked to Computers

from Hawaii deliver excitement at any trade show, fund raiser, promotion, grand opening, party and corporate team building! We fulfill the fantasy of surfing on a real surfboard from Hawaii!

''Fantasy Surfing" anywhere and anytime is now possible.... a company In Hawaii with team members coming from Atari, Nintendo and Sega experience, has developed and manufacturing the world's first Genuine Hawaiian Surf Simulator and Stand Up Paddle surf trainers. The ability to train for both surfing and stand up paddling without getting wet is now a true reality thanks to the Hawaii based company that received a patent more than 10 years ago. The Hawaii group and their fleet of simulators have provided the entertainment, advertising / promotion industry with a unique way to draw large crowds. Clients such as ABC Television, Microsoft, Cisco Systems, Sony Entertainment, Sheraton and Mariott Hotels, the U.S. Army and U.S. Navy have either purchased or rented the exciting interactive displays.

Unleashed early this year, the surf simulator company launched their interactive "dryland" surf system with a California Ecology School program. The goal was to offer educational ecology proprietary programs developed by the surf sim company linked to play with the surf simulators. These new browser, web based interactive surf games relate to pollution and energy saving lessons. During the class, students learn to create their own PC ecology flash games to play on their own personal PCs at home that were played with the surf simulators during class.

The Hawaii Surf Sim group is about to let clients " ride their biggest new wave" of unique technology - the ability for the audience to actually play "live" along with "fantasy surfers" who are on the surf simulators - with the use of their own cell phones. People call in in to a specific number to log in giving them the ability move sharks, starfish, barracudas, etc. to either help or annoy the "surfer" on the screen that is controlled by the surf simulators. The obvious combination of education and cell phone participation introduces an entire swell advertising potential applications - gathering emails, cell phone information for post - marketing and promotions.

All of their proprietary surfing games feature unique framework which allows for extreme customization and exciting visuals for the audience and benefits for advertisers, etc.
1) client logos, custom photos or illustrations.
2)facial photos can be submitted and animations created from those.
3)various objects and video statements that can be customized and changed "live" via internet.
4) video clips added for additional branding.

The full-scaled surf simulators rest a couple of inches above ground and develop core physical balance - the use of muscles that strengthen balance and overall fitness. You can't drown or get eating by a shark, but you sure can work up a sweat while carving 30 foot virtual video waves.

Participants stand on various sized surfboards fitted with electronic gyros and electronics that sense movement and balance performance by the rider. By leaning left and right, forward, backward or remaining in a neutral balanced position (which is not as easy as it appears) players carve deep blue waves and get "locked into the pipeline tube" action on a video monitor or screen. The challenge is to score points by staying on the face of wave, getting out and into the "tube", or doing wild aerials. All of this takes place in a matter of minutes and riders as old as 5 and as young as 75 love " virtual surfing" anywhere, anyplace and anytime.

The system is totally portable, fits in a compact car and easy to transport and setup within 15 minutes or less. The "Virtual Electronic Hawaiian Surfboard hooks up to any laptop and to any sized monitor, projection screen, etc. Each customized game provided on a USB thumb drive is secure-proof as it can only be activated remotely and audited by the company in Hawaii via password and codes. This allows for quick updates and score keeping. The surf simulators is non-mechanical and is user based whereas it depends on movements made by the "rider" to challenge the game.

For detailed information:

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About Surf Simulator Events Hawaii

Surf Simulator Events Hawaii has been in the interactive surfing simulator business now for 30 plus years. The software / hardware development team remains the only group in the world to rent their proprietary portable video surfing systems.

Surf Simulator Events Hawaii
3634 woodlawn drive
Honolulu, HI


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