Indonesia Attracts $300mn Plus in Q1 for Renewable Energy Investment
Tokyo, Japan, April 26, 2016 ( - TRV Systems
Indonesia Attracts $300mn Plus in Q1 for Renewable Energy Investment
The Indonesian government has confirmed $327mn of investment in the Renewable Energy sector for the first quarter of 2016.
David Charm, PR Manager
The Indonesian government has confirmed $327mn of investment in the Renewable Energy sector for the first quarter of 2016.
This represents almost 23% of the annual target of $1.37bn for renewable energy investment for 2016.
The Indonesian government introduced a single window approval scheme in an attempt to increase renewable energy investment. The policy now offers reduced duties on imports of heavy machinery needed for renewable energy projects. The scheme is seen as an ideal way to counteract the country’s main energy supplier, PLN, who has expressed concerns that the high costs of purchasing renewable electricity would hinder it from operating at a competitive level.
The government is also looking at setting up a new utility in order to provide clean renewable energy. It estimates that by 2019 19% of its power supplies will come from renewables and that this will increase to 25% by 2025.
The investment represents a significant inflow to Indonesia’s energy sector, and highlights the opportunities available within the South East Asia region.
TRV Systems was established in 2007 as a solar energy solution, research, design and developmental technology company. They were founded in order to create an environment where innovative concepts could be nurtured and show growth. With the aim of bringing already developed inventions – and in some cases already those already in production – to the worldwide markets, they have expanded into a platform for entrepreneurs to bring forward their technologies or services to what is already, and continues to be a fast growing market. TRV Systems sources concepts and designs, and indeed conceptual designs, for innovative solar-reliant products. They work with engineers, analysts and development teams to grow, and thereby further incorporate into the present environment, the various forms of solar technology available to them.
Source: TRV Systems PR