Indiegogo SALLY Promotes WELLNESS for those Lovable Seniors in your Life!

Fremont, CA, June 22, 2015 ( - SALLY has launched on the popular crowd-funding website Indiegogo. We need your support to make SALLY a success. Indiegogo is the largest global site of its kind and known as a place where ideas get funded and dreams get turned into reality through loyal supporters. SALLY is proud to make her debut on Indiegogo.
Learn more about SALLY at Indiegogo or visit us at -
SALLY tracks your parent’s wellness and provides you peace of mind. You can check their status anywhere and at anytime on your smart device. If something changes in their activity, a notification is automatically sent to all of those chosen to receive updates. All the data that is collected is secured in a private cloud.
Taking a page from Apple, and the late Steve Jobs who once said at a Stanford University commencement address “death is life’s change agent” the team at ThunderCloud took that to heart. Enhancing the wellness of seniors while at the same time preserving their independence and keeping it simple. To get it right required serious inputs from both the senior aspect and their loved ones.
SALLY was designed with 21st century families in mind. Too often your children and grandchildren do not live nearby. “That’s why we designed SALLY. To deal with the problem of ensuring Mom and Dad are safe and sound without intruding on their privacy. It’s a delicate balance. And when one parent passes away it can create a lot of anxiety for everyone. SALLY was inspired by the death of my father,” said Steve Allen, VP Marketing at ThunderCloud.
Crowd funding seemed like the most viable means for the team at ThunderCloud to bring a product to market. Utilizing an experienced hardware design team to ensure success, the product was launched on Indiegogo. Care2 was able to endorse the product and offered their assistance. Simplicity was vital to success.
“At Care2, we care deeply about the well-being of our caring members. And as strong proponents of innovation in both Internet technology and the social good space, we applaud SALLY for its clever integration of the “internet of things” with technology providing peace of mind for people with aging parents. As the curators of the largest online community of caring people - many of whom are caregivers - we applaud the efforts of the SALLY team for elegantly solving such a common problem we all face as human beings,” said Justin Perkins, Senior Director Brand Engagement and Business Development, Care2.
There is nothing to learn with SALLY. There are no subscriptions or hidden fees.
Elderly parents (or grandparents) can go about their day in a normal fashion. SALLY will automatically sense and learn your parent’s routine. “We wanted to design a device that was simple to setup, visually pleasing with an elegant app for loved ones to check up on the status of their parents. But our aim was also to maintain the privacy and independence of our loving parents. I can honestly tell you, it was quite a challenge”, added Allen.
SALLY's data can be reviewed with a simple glance on any Android or iOS smartphone or tablet. A notification is sent to select loved ones to alert them of changes in activity. The data stored in the cloud is safe and secure and only those with authorization can retrieve the data. SALLY not only tracks motion, but also temperature and lighting.
The MSRP for SALLY is $149.00, but early bird pricing on Indiegogo is $88.00.
When SALLY’s light is green the activity level was constant for the past several days. When there is a deviation from normal activity (such as no activity during a normal busy time or nightly frequent wake ups) an alert goes out to the selected circle of friends. Only a select circle of friends and relatives receive real-time updates. You parents (or grandparents) choose those they trust. We value their independence and their privacy.
SALLY has built-in Wi-Fi and 3 USB expansion ports for future product ideas. Three sensors come with SALLY, motion, temperature and lighting. For example, if a future product is based on Bluetooth, the expansion port is easily upgraded and the software support has already been designed. The same holds true for Zigbee or Z-wave future product ideas. SALLY was built with future add-on products in mind. All of this requires nothing to be set by the user.
SALLY was designed for busy professionals, parents and grandparents, assisted living facilities, physical therapists and nurses, and health care providers.
In the future, additional products will complement and work together with SALLY. We are working on a Life-Band and a Pill Dispenser. Other product ideas are on the drawing board, such as monitoring Respiration and Hypertension. We are open to new suggestions. So feel free to join a worthy cause.
“We believe that wellness products working together create a virtuous circle where one plus one equals three. Our plans are to expand SALLY with a circle of Friends (accessory products) and ultimately take this family of products to assisted living facilities. We want to reach out and help seniors and their loved ones everywhere,” added Allen.
Ultimately, SALLY’s success depends on pleasing parents and grandparents, and their loved one’s well enough to get their early support. We need your help.
Go out and buy SALLY today. The best gift you ever gave. The assurance that your parents are safe and sound, and the peace of mind for those that love them.
SALLY is like that good Aunt that watched over you yet never scolded you!
SALLY is a product of Thundercloud Service LLC
43195 Mission Blvd, Suite B-1, Fremont, California 94539
Contact person: Steve Allen, VP, Marketing & Business Development
Telephone number: (408) 219-0309
Email contact: