Indie Film "Red Herring" World Premiere & Theatrical Release

Red Carpet World Premiere Tuesday, Oct 27, Theatrical run begins Friday 10/30.

"Red Herring" is a neo-noir action suspense thriller starring Robert Scott Howard, Vincent Pastore, Holly Valance, Wanderlei Silva, Oscar Goodman, Bobbi Billard and Corinna Harney-Jones. It follows Las Vegas detective Jack Adamson's investigation into his best friend while matching wits against the infamous Blue Screen of Death.

The Red Carpet World Premiere (with Press) is this coming Tuesday, Oct 27th at AMC Town Square:

"That's the thing about Vegas... you never really know who you think you know."

Joshua, Cohen

6pm Red Carpet

7pm Screening

9pm After Party

More than 100 locals worked on the ultra-low budget feature. It is exclusively playing here in Las Vegas, and it is indirectly responsible for Nevada getting a film incentive program.

Tickets to the premiere are available at (Free for Press & Celebs). Tickets to the theatrical run will be available through Fandango and AMC's website.

Thank you for supporting independent film.