India's Daughter Director Leslee Udwin Plans Global Educational Program to Stop Rape and the Cycle of Violence- Forever!

Think Equal is a revolutionary new initiative which aims bring human rights education as a compulsory component of education curricula around the world. It is constructing a curriculum for a new subject which will educate the hearts of children and no just their heads, and which will start start from the very beginning of every child's formal education. We can only address inequality and human rights violations if we commit to educating children with moral values and focus on breaking the cycle

Director Leslee Udwin whose documentary India’s Daughter so successfully sparked a movement for gender equality, has founded a non-profit organization called Think Equal.

Think Equal is currently developing an education program designed to educate children from the earliest stages in the crucial values of basic human rights as the foundation of later behavior. This program is unique in that it’s goal is to become a mandatory part of early childhood education - worldwide.

Research shows that it’s during early childhood that social concepts, behavior and attitudes are formed and set. It is during this time that educators have the opportunity to shape children’s perceptions of the world around them - and the people in it.

Leslee has recruited numerous Hollywood A list celebrities and notable educational experts to this cause including Meryl Streep , Sir Ken Robinson , Sean Penn, President Joyce Banda, Susan Sarandon, Dr. Urvashi Sahni, - to name a handful. Her long term vision is to help eradicate discrimination, be it racial, gender-based, or religious, and ultimately to transform society by changing cultures through appropriate holistic education.

Think Equal is conducting a crowdfunding campaign on and inviting those who wish to become involved to lend a hand. Think Equal will have its official launch by the autumn of 2016. 

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About Equality Studies Global Initiative

The Equality Studies Global Initiative ("Think Equal") is a not for-profit NGO registered in both the USA and the UK. It is a new start-up organization focused on global holistic education.

Equality Studies Global Initiative
74 Holland Park