Indiana Criminal Practice Rules 2013, Courtroom Quick Reference - The Newest Release from Summit Legal Publishing

An indispensable and affordable practice tool for attorney in Indiana

Summit Legal Publishing is proud to announce the release of its latest product Indiana Criminal Practice Rules 2013, Courtroom Quick Reference. Combining the full text of the Indiana Evidence Rules, Indiana Criminal Procedure Rules, Federal Rules of Evidence and Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure, this edition is an invaluable tool for criminal attorneys in Indiana practicing in both state and federal courts.

Included in Indiana Criminal Practice Rules 2013 are recent amendments to the Indiana Criminal Procedure Rules, effective January 1, 2013 and the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure, effective December 1, 2012. All material is current through March 15, 2013. Indiana Criminal Practice 2013 also offers free online access to downloadable, printable, full-sized versions of all Indiana and federal criminal court rule forms, as well as the full text of all Indiana rule amendments effective from 2009 to date. Official commentary to the federal rules is included. Each rule set in the book has been thoroughly indexed, enabling the reader to find relevant rules quickly and easily.

Indiana Criminal Practice Rules 2013 is arranged in a single-column format with larger typeface and all rules have been broken down into progressively indented subparagraphs to make the text easy to read at a glance. Indiana Criminal Practice Rules 2013 is available as a soft-cover book as well as PDF and ebook editions with linked tables of contents and side navigation panes making searches simple and efficient. This book is designed for convenience and portability and can fit easily into any briefcase or laptop bag.