Independent Core Strategies, Inc.'s Face-to-Face Marketing

The leadership at Independent Core Strategies, Inc. talked about the benefits of face-to-face marketing in a business consumed by digital trends. The company's director discussed how this drives the need for new hires.

​An agent of Independent Core Strategies, Inc. recently discussed the company’s focus on face-to-face marketing, and the benefits of using outreach that is more direct. Vincent, the director of operations, explained that out of all the trends in the sector, a face-to-face approach in 2015 would be the best way to separate Independent Core Strategies, Inc. from the other firms in the field.

Much of marketing is digital now. There is a lot of focus on conversions, ranking, data, and other numbers. “Technology has so many groups putting all of their energy into SEO and online content promotions,” said Vincent. “While that is very important, we feel that dynamic promotions are not used enough. We’re hiring for those positions.” 

"Technology has so many groups putting all of their energy into SEO and online content promotions,"

Vincent, Director of Operations

The leaders at Independent Core Strategies, Inc. have decided to optimize their marketing tactics and reap the benefits of a tailored approach. “Word-of-mouth is still vital for a growing business,” said Vincent. “It happens online most of the time these days. However, personal links between customers and the company is still one of the most powerful ways to boost profits. It means people are more likely to become affected by you, and they will be more apt to talk about you on their social media pages.”

The company is still devoted to inventing and keeping up with the current trends in marketing tech. Part of this is finding other options to make outreach more personal. “Consumers thirst for face-to-face contact after being entirely online,” Vincent said. “We are refining our methods in the field by focusing on the personal touch.”

Independent Core Strategies, Inc. on Hiring for Culture

The focus on tailored promotion methods has caused growth in Independent Core Strategies, Inc.’s portfolio and led to the need for new hires. Thus, the company is seeking candidates capable of doing well within their culture by being great at working directly with people. “We need people who are up to speed on all of the current tools,” Vincent said, “but who can also see past the screens and data to the people in target markets. We are looking for the talent to fill those roles.”

New personnel should be multitalented, and Vincent stressed the value of hiring people who can function both at a computer and one-on-one with customers. “Our team should be able to attract likely consumers through tech marketing tools,” he said. “Then, they can build lasting links with them through personal contact.”

“Taking advantage of the benefits of face-to-face advertising in a mainly digital market will give us an edge,” Vincent concluded. “With the best talent and good training, we can turn this so-called old-fashioned idea into a business boost. Even in a world ruled by technology, speaking one-on-one with a human being can make a major difference.”