Impulse LA Events Reveals Exciting New Goals at Conference

Impulse LA Events' director of operations, Moe, unveiled exciting new goals and a hiring initiative at the company's quarterly leadership conference.

“We know that only with a great group of professionals who work well together can we achieve success as a company,” Moe said in reference to the Impulse LA Events team he has developed. “We make this type of company culture possible at Impulse LA Events by regularly offering our team members chances to partake in learning activities.”

As such, the company recently attended their industry’s quarterly national conference, which is designed to be a team-building experience for Impulse LA Events team members. This gave them the chance to take part in the company’s goal setting and to develop skills that can be used at a higher level.

"Today's society moves fast and has really impacted how our work is done,"

Moe, Director of Operations

Conference Encourages Goal Setting at Impulse LA Events

“No business can truly survive without innovating and adapting to change,” Moe said, making it clear that the personal objectives of every team member are essential to his company’s growth, and something the team worked on while at the conference. “Stay stationary and your business will shrink. This is why it’s very important for us to set targets that cover everything from team growth to revenues, and customer satisfaction to personnel promotions.”

Moe went on to say that the evolving nature of technology requires goals to be set, met, and reset just as quickly. “Today’s society moves fast and has really impacted how our work is done,” said Moe. “We at Impulse LA Events are committed to this constant change process by creating new divisions to help us talk with and serve our audiences.”

Impulse LA Events’ Current Hiring Push

This change process keeps the Impulse LA Events team on their toes and creates an ongoing need for new team members. “As we expand, we need new talent to ensure we can meet the needs of the companies we represent,” said Moe.

With aggressive expansion plans in the works, Impulse LA Events has many career opportunities for ambitious individuals looking for challenging and fulfilling career paths. “Unlimited upward movement is available for any person working for our firm,” said Moe.

The leadership at Impulse LA Events is devoted to maintaining a stimulating environment that encourages team members’ growth. “It is so important to empower our team members to control their own paths to leadership development,” said Moe. “We instil our team with confidence by allowing them the freedom to think creatively in designing our campaigns.”

Above all, Moe wants to build a team that is looking at the big picture and planning their path in life. “We emphasize the importance of entering a long-term career path, not merely a job,” he said.

About Impulse LA Events, Inc.

Impulse LA Events, Inc. is a results-driven marketing and consulting services firm that emphasizes personal interactions to grow their clients’ brand reach. In doing so, they develop relationships between their clients and new customers, which result in long-term value and repeat business. By emphasizing consumer engagement and experiences, the company has grown to represent a large portfolio of clients ranging from new start-ups to global brands. This has led to the flexibility to push out new initiatives at an extremely rapid pace. With a dedication to their core values of integrity and strong work ethic, the team members have positioned themselves as true industry leaders. Visit to learn more about their approach.