Improving Company Performance by Building High Performance Teams

While most CEOs agree that it's important to improve company performance by building high performance teams, not everyone knows how to get started.

A survey conducted by Accenture of 3,400 professionals found that only 43% of employees were satisfied with their jobs. There are several factors that can be blamed for this lack of enthusiasm among employees. A traditional management system that is not in touch with ground realities is often a major factor among these. CEO's looking to improve company performance. CEOs must motivate their executives by creating high performance teams that are aware of ground realities and are self motivated.

"When creating a high performance team, it's very important for the CEO to get the right people on the team. A team member's contribution to achieve the company's performance aspirations should be taken into account rather than focusing on the individual's title and designation. This task is however easier said than done, and may require tremendous courage and conscious attention from the CEO," says Mr. Reid Warrick, of The One Eight Group, a company that helps companies maximize profits through his researched and tested program.

"Factors like a common goal and purpose also help the CEO build high performance teams. The CEO should also address team dynamics. A team that is constantly in conflict with members having different interests and opposing views on strategic challenges is sure to hamper the company's growth," adds Reid.

Managements that are successful in creating high performance teams not only manage to improve company performance, but also manage to improve employee performance. Thus, there is more accountability, and employees can focus on getting results.

About The One Eighty Group: The One Eighty Group was founded to help improve company performance, increase accountability, employee engagement and productivity.

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