Improve Your Search With SortFix

SortFix is a unique search technology that combines powerful text-analysis algorithms with a simple and intuitive SUI that allows users to easily define a question then sort, navigate, review, and update the search query to retrieve relevant results.

SortFix Technology

SortFix is a new enterprising company that has developed a unique search technology for providing a personalized search experience. Combining powerful text-analysis algorithms with a simple and intuitive SUI (Search User Interface), SortFix allows users to easily define a concept or a question, then sort, navigate, review, and update their search query in order to retrieve results that meet their requirements.

SortFix's Birth.

SortFix originated from the very basic dilemma of how to improve the web search so as to, in fact, find relevant results. This question was generated thinking of the most advanced and specific searches users perform and how difficult it can be to find the desired information.

For more than a decade, search engines have been trying to improve the relevancy of search results mainly by using various ranking algorithms. However, the main problem when trying to find information comes from the fact that most of the users only type queries of two or three words, and this is often insufficient to describe a search topic.

The Process
SortFix Team examined the search strategies of a large group of volunteers and discovered they could be divided roughly into 2 groups: Regular searchers and advanced searchers. The latter had a better finding rate than the former. And thus, decided to design a search engine that could emulate the search strategies of the advanced searchers.

Developing Strategy
SortFix developed a system that instantly scans the results in real time and extracts the most powerful words ("Power Words") based on statistical text algorithms, data mining and natural language processing algorithms. But an efficient the automated scanning is only a part of the equation; the other part is the user's individual needs, only he can describe his precise need. And for this a novel SUI (Search User Interface) was developed.

The Final Product
After extensive testing and developing (alpha and closed beta) it was proved that the combination of efficient data mining, text analysis and an intuitive, easy and fun user interface enables any user to improve his search and to find what previously would have been unattainable information.

The technology encourages the user to "speak" with the search engine and describe a longer and detailed query, as an advanced user would do, in less time and with words that even an advanced user could not come up with by him self.

SortFix In Action
Statistics of over one million of search quires revealed that SortFix's users search for much longer and detailed queries, thus, improving dramatically their results' relevancy.

A user can easily drag relevant words to from the "power Words" box to the "Add to Search" green box and, more importantly, he can drag irrelevant words to the "remove from search" red box. By doing so, the system will exclude results containing these words. The human brain is incapable of thinking about the subjects that should not be part of the results (negative guessing).

Latest Improvements
In the last months SortFix expanded the search, offering users the advantages of their service retrieving results from Google, Twitter, Bing, Youtube and Image Search.

The Near Future
In the next few months SortFix will focus on developing Smart Phones Applications.

About SortFix
