Immigration under the Investor Category will be Faster

Goldman Associates helping Investors and Canada: Investors play the role of further building the nation and the key to its culture and economy. Get fast and reliable services for Immigration to Canada at affordable prices.

The amount of investor visas was increased from 2000 visas in 2009 to 3000 visas in 2010. This means that processing times will become faster; in most cases 1-2 years with many visas issued closer to 1 year. Investor visas do NOT require any investment. Rather, you are required to give the government an interest free loan of $400,000 for 5 years. After 5 years the government guarantees that you will get your $400,000 back but they will not pay any interest. The $400,000 amount may be loaned from any lender but Canadian lenders offer loans without any security as they are aware that the loans are guaranteed by the government. Applicants must own C$800,000 in net assets and must have management experience. There are no language or age requirements and there are no requirements to invest in any business.

Investor visas are a nice fit for business people who want to migrate quickly to Canada( without any commitments. They are given full permanent residence status which means that they can live in Canada with their family for the rest of their lives. Goldmam Associates will help you to get visas for Canada quickly & easily ( Canada is very popular amongst immigrants due to speedy application processing. There are few companies which provide such speedy services, we are one of them. We provide simplified solutions to individual immigration applicants seeking to relocate to Canada.