Releases E-book That Keeps Internet Entrepreneurs from Firing Themselves

Many internet marketers and other types of internet entrepreneurs struggle to make their long sought after income. This e-book looks at mistakes and challenges many face and give tips how to avoid or correct them.

Information Product marketers at have released their latest e-book titled "Internet Entrepreneurs: 5 Reasons The Boss (YOU) May Fire You." Inside it seeks to help internet marketers and online entrepreneurs who are struggling. The statistics for failure of online businesses are staggering, yet every day new internet entrepreneurs try to make it. So what makes the difference between those who fail and those who become gurus (and wealthy)?

This is what the book seeks to deliver. It it targeted at those who would like to make it but aren't quite there yet. The report would probably be of interest to those who are struggling to make money online as well. Response and reviews have been positive, showing there is a need in the market for assistance in making the jump from new online marketer to successful entrepreneur.

"We were tired of seeing so many new internet entrepreneurs struggle. Working from home is a completely alien concept for those who have been working outside of the home. Looking at yourself as the employee instead of the boss is a good first step to approaching your business in a more serious manner, " says CEO Felix Futuri.

The e-book can be easily downloaded free at

Felix Futuri spent five years as a business and executive coach in the USA, Australia, and NZ before getting more involved with marketing.

Information Marketing with Felix is an internet marketing company specialising in the design and delivery of ethical value-added information products to solve problems.

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