I'm Digital 2011: Chilean Consume Trends Report Now Available for Free Download

Trust, variety and security. These are key factors that Chilean Internet users think promotes a good online service according to I'm Digital 2011, the yearly study of behavior and trends of use of consumers on Internet made by AyerViernes.

Trust, variety and security. These are key factors that Chilean Internet users think promotes a good online service according to I'm Digital 2011, the yearly study of behavior and trends of use of consumers on Internet made by AyerViernes.

AyerViernes' CEO Jorge Barahona emphasizes the role of social networks in this process. "Businesses can no longer afford delayed responses or lack transparency. If a product doesn't fulfill a client's expectations, there is a greater threat that the client will write about their experience and post it on their walls, tweet about it and upload videos. Dishonesty in business relations is over now," Barahona says.

This is clearly seen when users are consulted about elements they assign more value to at the moment of making a purchase decision: 68% is guided by a comparison with similar products, while 56% does it reading comments from other users.

In addition, the report revealed 76% of Chilean Internet users don't follow brands on Twitter or Facebook.

The main reasons why users don't follow brands on Twitter or Facebook are because they see social networks as a form of communication based on personal and interesting topics, not as advertising. Users also indicated that information is not typically useful for them, therefore making identification a challenge.

According to AyerViernes Studies Director, Pedro Arellano, social networks have become a commodity in which most companies enter without a strategic path. They've searched to gather the highest amount of followers, but that doesn't mean all these people necessarily form a community.

"Understanding that social networks are one more mean, and not an end, is the first step towards focusing on what's really important: the quality of the service given to the people in every place of contact," Arellano says.

I'm Digital has been released annually since 2009 as an initiative of AyerViernes Research Team to understand the behavior of Chilean consumers on the Internet. By knowing those practices, AyerViernes offers a comprehensive perspective of the digital market, which has become a useful instrument to companies and brands when improving their services.

To access the full report, we invite you to download the English version of I'm Digital 2011 on our site http://soydigital.ayerviernes.com. AyerViernes is a proud member of the User Experience Alliance (UXalliance). Visit www.uxalliance.com for more information on making global research easy.