Ilario Colli's Work 'In Art as in Life' is an Exquisitely Written Commentary on the Role of the Arts in the Contemporary World, and on the Origins of Our Aesthetic

Fulton Books release, hailed as "an outstanding achievement for a young scholar" by Dr. David Symons, Professor of Musicology, The University of Western Australia, and as "having the potential to become one of the seminal works of our time" by Robert Gibbs, former publisher, Limelight Magazine, Ilario Colli's bold first work, In Art as in Life, ventures into territory few modern culture theorists dare to cover. Setting forth a brash new theory of aesthetics, the author argues that the prevailing artistic trends of any given era are a direct byproduct of the metaphysical undercurrents that gave rise to them: that is, of the age's beliefs concerning God, human reason, the origins of knowledge, and the universality of values like Truth, Meaning, Good and Evil. 

This 'anchoring' of the arts in metaphysics has been the case throughout history, and our era is no exception. Living in the wake of Nietzsche's famous nihilistic proclamation, "God is Dead", in a paradigm in which there is no one 'Truth', no all-encompassing 'Meaning'. All philosophical propositions are equally valid, and therefore equally void of universality and usefulness. The artist is left in the dark, bereft of an aesthetic compass that serves as their aesthetic guide. Ostensibly, artists are free to create as they please - but there is a dark side to liberty.

Learned yet imminently accessible, In Art as in Life delights with its sumptuous language and its profound ideas. Its effortless navigation through 1,700 years of literature, music and the visual arts leads the reader to a startling conclusion: the contemporary Postmodern aesthetic, like the moral relativism that spawned it, is not - as it's often claimed to be - a sign of a robust, self-confident creative culture, but rather the primary artistic symptom of a metaphysically ailing civilization; one still recovering from the demise of moral absolutism and still struggling to find meaning in its wake. 

Published by Fulton Books, Ilario Colli's work combines deft scholarship and literary flair to entertain and educate both the art aficionado and general reader alike.

Readers who wish to experience this impressive work can purchase "In Art as in Life" at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes Store, Amazon, Google Play or Barnes & Noble.

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Source: Fulton Books