IIMSAM official observed International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women

IIMSAM Middle East Director & Goodwill Ambassador Dr. Naseer Homoud' message on UN International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women.

While marking International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women Dr. Naseer Homoud Goodwill Ambassador and Director of Middle East office for the Intergovernmental Institution for the use of Micro-algae Spirulina against Malnutrition (IIMSAM), the Permanent Observer to the United Nations Economic and Social Council while addressing the media said "Fighting violence against women means promoting peace and human security on the international stage and is an important moment to reiterate our opposition to all forms of gender-based violence and to underline our support for the international movement for women's empowerment and gender equality".

He further contended that today, we pay tribute to the women and men in every country who are bringing these issues to the forefront and demanding justice. We express appreciation to those who have established programmes for women and girls affected by violence. We acknowledge the governments that are taking action. In every region, laws are in place to address violence against women and we urge those responsible to ensure their implementation. Today, we call on all governments and parliaments that have not yet done so to adopt laws and establish programmes to address violence against women. He called upon the world community to pledge on this day to work together to raise awareness that violence against women and girls is unacceptable.

While calling Member States of the United Nations family and other related organizations to render their unconditional support for the cause Dr. Homoud said "It is time to take these efforts to the next level. Member States must play a stronger, better coordinated and more visible leadership role. Member States must do more to implement the international legal and policy framework to which they have committed themselves. And all of us must form strong and effective partnerships with civil society, which has such a crucial role to play on this issue at every level". He further added that role of fighting against this crime should not be confined to some targeted corners rather centralized efforts should be channelized to fight this menace.

"Eliminating violence against women is our main concern and undoubtedly until and unless both women and men massively condemn and reject every act of violence against women, our mothers, sisters, and daughters will remain unsafe at the office, in the streets and especially at home." Dr. Homoud said.

Dr. Homoud called for zero tolerance to crime against women and urged that our collective success in achieving peace and security and making poverty history depends on our ability to end discrimination and violence against women and girls. Without achieving a just and egalitarian society- free of crimes against women and girls, the accomplishment of crime free world cannot be targeted and in order to achieve sustain development we must unite to curb this prevailing tendencies of crime against women and by doings so "I am confident that our world would be a better place to live both for men and women- and this is the basic concept of egalitarianism". Dr. Naseer said while concluding his address on the occasion.

While calling support for IIMSAM which is undertaking task of eradicating hunger and malnutrition through usage of Spirulina under visionary leadership of His Excellency Ambassador Remigio M. Maradona Director General of the IIMSAM, Dr. Homoud said "supply of basic amenities like food to children and women who are hunger ridden are one of the key factors which can be very instrumental in fighting the crimes against women and children as well and we call upon the governments and organizations to support IIMSAM for several larger interests of the world community, which can only be achieved if hunger and malnutrition is eradicated".