IIMSAM official Dr. Naseer Homoud congratulated the world on International Day of Democracy

IIMSAM Middle East Director & Goodwill Ambassador Dr. Naseer Homoud' message on International Democracy Day.

On the historic occasion of International Day of Democracy, Dr Naseer Homoud, Goodwill Ambassador and Director of Middle East office for the Intergovernmental Institution for the use of Micro-algae Spirulina against Malnutrition (IIMSAM) congratulated world governments which are based on its very principle.

The general Assembly of the United Nations on November 8, 2007 declared 15th September to be marked as International Day of Democracy and invited organization within UN, member states, IGO's, NGO's to mark this day therefore. The idea behind this declaration was to review and study the status of the democracy- the most popular form of government in the modern world. Democracy is a methodology which involves people directly in formation and operation of government thus creating many rights for citizens and accountabilities to the government. As Abraham Lincoln in his Gettysburg address said "Democracy is government of the people, by the people and for the people", in present contemporary era, there is no denying of the fact pertaining to relevancy and importance of this day.

UN states that "democracy is a universal value based on the freely expressed will of people to determine their own political, economic, social and cultural systems, and their full participation in all aspects of life." And that "While democracies share common features, there is no single model of democracy and that democracy does not belong to any country or region." Dr. Naseer while endorsing this aspect of Democracy contented that without essence of democracy in the contemporary world civilization, the practically of its development cannot even deliberated upon.

He further argued that "it is not the day only to promote the democracy rather this is the day when we should come ahead for its evaluation, discussion and to discover various new and challenging avenues". He further contended that it also important to visualize that civil society and related organizations should come forward to take responsibilities and action to persuade the theme of this day and to ensure that the bona fide beneficiaries who are under privileged and from marginalized section of society are being brought to main stream of democracy- which is indeed the basic foundation of any democratic set up.

While stressing on the need of evaluation and discussion on democracy Dr. Naseer urged governments and other related organizations to see how democracy is affected by globalization and today's consumer oriented society, the new age of information technology and the increasing virtual world wherein we live presently. Dr. Naseer further goes on saying "How parliaments and other political actors perform in this environment. Are they adapting successfully to today's world? What can and should they do to meet the challenges which democracy is facing in present-day world amid power conflicts between nations." It is widely recognized that the consolidation of democracy and human rights are critical to support peace and security and that genuine democratic elections are the means through which the will of the people is expressed and the legitimate authority of the government established.

With the large portion of world civilization facing its threat to survive due to world hunger and malnutrition hazards, the very existence of democratic set up between effected segment of society seems to be on peril, if the governments and organizations working on this sphere did not realize this mayhem, it could lead to a situation like civil war, which at present many countries are facing. The right to food and to survive is most important natural right of any person notwithstanding his race, caste, nationality etc. In this context Dr. Naseer call upon the government of the nations to look in to these grave issues which have imposed severe threats on democratic set up within the affected states. He said "with people fighting with hunger and malnutrition, we cannot imagine for them to work and development of democracy, the real aspect of democracy would only be fulfilled once the world is free from hunger related severe issues." Advocating efforts of IIMSAM under visionary leadership of His Excellency Ambassador Remigio M. Maradona Director General of the IIMSAM, Dr. Naseer said that governments and relevant organizations should come forward to support institutions like IIMSAM to fight these hazards enabling the world civilization to be in peace thus growth of multi dimensional democracy can be achieved.