IIMSAM appeals to global community for honoring rights of migrants while marking International Migrants Day

IIMSAM Middle East Director & Goodwill Ambassador Dr. Naseer Homoud message on International Migrants Day. Dr. Naseer Homoud calls upon the world for an integrated approach to deal with the issues related to migrants.

On the occasion of International Migrants Day which is marked every year on December 18, Dr. Naseer Homoud Goodwill Ambassador and Director of Middle East office for the Intergovernmental Institution for the use of Micro-algae Spirulina against Malnutrition (IIMSAM), the Permanent Observer to the United Nations Economic and Social Council while addressing the media said "There is no denying of the fact that migrants across the globe make a significant contribution to the social and economic development of the countries in which they live and work. Given that, equal consideration must be given to their safety and well-being". He further added "Migrants have to be helped in a rapid, safe and well-coordinated manner".

Marking IMD DR. Homoud underscored the large and growing contribution to the global economy made by the world's more than 100 million migrants, immigrants and their families: "Migrant workers provide valuable services with their labor and furnish an often invisible subsidy to the national economies that receive them. They work in factories, produce food, provide domestic service, staff hospitals and contribute to a wide range of basic needs, often for low wages and with little recognition of the value of their contribution." He further said "despite the hardships of migrant life and work, the treatment of migrant workers is often woefully inconsistent with what they deserve as workers and human beings." He further added that "migrants are all too often relegated to the dirty, difficult and dangerous jobs that go begging in wealthier economies and where discrimination and ill treatment are endemic."

Migration is the manifestation of the very natural desire of people to exercise freedom of movement. It has, like all complex and cross-cutting phenomena, positive and negative aspects. However, there is often very little recognition of the positive contributions of migrant workers to the development of home as well as host countries. "The value of their remittances to their countries of origin plays a significant role in some economies. Also, the transfer of knowledge and culture that the migrants bring has not been given full recognition yet". He said while addressing the media on the occasion.

This year IMD also falls during the apex of Copenhagen Climate Change Summit. Dr. Homoud recognized the estimated 25 million people around the world who have suffered from forced displacement from their homelands and communities due to the devastating effects of climate change, more than those displaced by war. On this year IMD, when we recognize and honor migrants all over the world, we need to raise attentiveness about the need for policies that remodel unintentional dislodgment and forced migration, including climate justice, fair trade and sustainable community development, and fulfilling the need and access to healthcare, education, housing, jobs and safe, healthy environments". Dr. Homoud said while expressing his concern over the issue.

Dr. Homoud urged for creating an emergency evacuation corpus with support of governments which would allow, desiring governments, UN partners and NGOs to also provide vulnerable migrants with food, medical, transit shelter, consular assistance and registration prior to their evacuation. Although such assistance is critical, migrants can also need help when they arrive home. "Today, more people are affected by international migration than at any other time in history. Let us work together to ensure that this global trend benefits all concerned -countries of origin and of destination, and the migrants themselves". Dr. Homoud said.