IEM Labs Is About To Add More To Their Web Applications Services

IEM Labs have till now been recognized for their web applications regarding digital marketing. This year they are taking a host of new ventures- one of which is the advent of mobile apps and mobile games.

IEM Labs, a trusted brand since 2010, has brought out their next venture in the sphere of web applications. IEM Labs has been approached by only business enthusiasts. But their new venture seems to be promising enough to attract internet users at large, irrespective of people related to business or not.

IEM Labs has announced that they are going to launch their new mobile apps and mobile games range very shortly. IEM Labs assure that these games are purely for enjoyment and the new apps are going to make important things easier for the users. IEM Labs believes that their new innovations are going to work wonders on their new clients as well.

Web application services have already given IEM Labs recognition in Vancouver business world, to be precise digital marketing market. The common has shown interest in their mobile apps and games also. A veteran in digital marketing told us that he is looking forward to IEM's new services. 'I hope they are as good as their web applications,' he concluded.

Vancouver is certainly shaken with these sudden steps taken by IEM Labs. But they are also eager to get in touch with IEM Labs even at home. They have already talked about their new approach towards SEO services which is also their new agenda this year. Now the world only has to wait for them to prove their reliability once again.

Contact Details:
Alex Smith
Suite No. 404, 6595 Bonsor Avenue,
Burnaby, British Columbia
Postal Code: V5H4G5, CANADA
Web :
Telephone: +1 604 431 9797

About IEM Labs
