Ideas & Innovations LLC Premieres New Innovative Technologies

Ideas and Innovations LLC Gift Card Kiosks

New technology developed by Ideas & Innovations LLC (I&I) is able to coordinate targeted advertisements, which will be featured on retailers’ in-store racks. I&I is currently in the USA test marketing these advertising screens with a top 10 retailer chain.

This innovative advertising screen format will scan only the customer’s characteristics and age and then play targeted advertising specifically for them, which will allow the stores to gain valuable insights about their customers’ shopping habits. The screens will also help the customers learn more about the store’s promotions and receive valuable coupons and discounts from a variety of their brands. 

I&I, who is the market leader in retail kiosk solutions, is the leading digital media company specializing in in-store physical gift cards. I&I has also developed a gift card kiosk, which will be debuting early next year at NRF and the retail marketplace in May 2018, that allows the consumer to select from hundreds of gift cards, pay for them at the kiosk, personalize and print the authorized card in seconds in any domination (never out of stock and without waiting in line at the register). The customer will also be able to personalize and send the card to a friend or loved one anywhere either digitally or physically along with a personalized greeting card or one with an actual video and audio greeting from the sender inside. The kiosk will also have an additional screen that will do the same advertising as mentioned above with appropriate couponing and discounts for the consumer at the kiosk.

I&I is using advertising managed by Premier Retail Network (PRN), a digital media company who (for the past 25 years) has specialized in in-store video advertising. I&I along with KIOSK Information Systems, Xavient Digital, Banyan Hills Technologies and PRN are working with I&I to provide innovative media centers in stores which help merchants to advertise their brands and enhance their customers’ shopping experiences.

For more information, visit or visit Booth #3453 at the 2018 NRF Show.

Media Contact:
James Curtis
CEO of Ideas & Innovations
(214) 908-4890

Source: Ideas & Innovations LLC