Ideal Marketing Group on Holiday Shopping, Marketing Trends

The president of Ideal Marketing Group discussed the firm's approach to the 2014 holiday shopping season, and highlighted the data that informed the campaigns her team designed.

The holiday season is in full swing, and the team at Ideal Marketing Group has ensured that the firm’s clients are taking advantage of it with unforgettable promotions that are in line with the latest trends. “We conduct intense research on past buyer habits, as well as recent activity in the marketplace, and by applying that information we anticipate the most effective initiatives,” said Johannah T., the firm’s president.

Johannah pointed out that the physical and digital worlds are growing increasingly intertwined. For instance, social media and mobile devices play significant roles in the consumer experience, yet brick and mortar stores are just as integral as ever. “Buyers are looking for engaging and personalized interaction, which requires a combination of the physical and the digital,” she said.

We conduct intense research on past buyer habits, as well as recent activity in the marketplace, and by applying that information we anticipate the most effective initiatives.

Johannah T., President

Ideal Marketing Group’s President Reviews Data on Expected Buyer Behavior

“At Ideal Marketing Group, we consulted a plethora of data that helped us determine how best to design campaigns for our clients,” explained Johannah. “For instance, 56% of consumers in one survey said they would spend approximately the same amount of money purchasing gifts this year as they did last year. This confirmed that reviewing 2013’s numbers would be worthwhile.”

According to Johannah, 90% of consumers prefer to purchase on-site over ordering online and more than 68% of them will do so locally. Respondents did voice some concerns, however. They aren’t looking forward to traffic, long lines, or being unable to locate the products they want. Technology will still play an integral role in the holiday shopping season, of course. “Roughly 63% of consumers will use self-help technology like self-checkout kiosks and price checkers,” she stated. “Furthermore, more than 70% will research products online, and then go to the brick-and-mortar locations to make their purchases.” 

Additionally, 70% of online consumers place great value on opinions addressed in reviews, discussion forums, and blogs. Many of them, in fact, trust the opinions of peers they’ve never met over brand advertisements. Social media plays an integral component in this phenomenon. Johannah reported that approximately 30% of buyers invest in products based on what they’ve learned on social media.

“Some of the most significant numbers we uncovered in our research also relate to social interaction,” Johannah concluded. “Nearly half of all participants in one survey noted how important it is to share recommendations with social contacts, and almost as many plan to learn about new products this way. This means that digital media is likely to influence $345 billion in sales this holiday shopping season. These numbers simply cannot be ignored!”

 About Ideal Marketing Group, Inc. 

Ideal Marketing Group, Inc. is a team of experienced marketing managers dedicated to helping clients efficiently reach targeted audiences, expand market share, and sustain growth. Ideal Marketing Group, Inc.’s approach is centered on cutting-edge research combined with innovative outreach channels and on-site promotions. Their strategies are designed to deliver exceptional brand representation and memorable promotional experiences, which lead to stronger consumer rapport. The firm’s continued growth is a testament to their abilities to help clients realize their goals. Ideal Marketing Group Inc.’s portfolio includes a wide range of companies and organizations, from emerging businesses to Fortune 500 corporations.