Icentered Releases List Of User Centered Proactive Data Management

Icentered released a list of user centered proactive data management initiatives which are working on putting the individuals at the center with active control over their data. - is actively working on putting its best foot forward in strengthening the users' lens in building clean web ecology. With the same mission, Icentered has now released a listing of "Initiatives around user centered proactive data management - a user centered approach that puts individuals at the center with active control over their data, privacy and calls for a paradigm change in relation with providers, institutions and content creators.

The author of Icentered blog said that the initiatives around user centered proactive data management "are truly going to put individuals at the center."

Following is a partial list of initiatives around user centered proactive data management which, she has accumulated:

• Project VRM - VRM stands for Vendor Relationship Management. It's a reversed, pull based paradigm that presents the other side of CRM (customer relationship management) and provides customers with independence from closed siloed vendors' golden cages.
• - User side data sharing management initiative
• Personal data store and Mydex personal data store - a personal data center about individuals for interactions with institutions through common data models to be shared and viewed permission based.
• The Mine! Project - The Mine! Project is about equipping people with tools and functionality that will help them to take charge of their data, arrange it according to their needs and preferences and share it on their own terms.
• The internet identity workgroup is a practical idealism in working towards the shared vision of a decentralized, user-oriented identity layer for the Internet
• The personal data ecosystem supports businesses supporting user's need to control, manage, and direct the way they want to share and allows for the emergence of new data markets and services
• NET EUCEN - network of European Stakeholders for enhancing user centricity in eGovernance

She further adds, "These initiatives, together with groups that work on identity management, will create a nucleus for a blueprint of systems that definitely help in putting individuals at the center and will facilitate user centered control over individual data, privacy, choices and sharing."

Icentered evangelizes a new web of life where both (users and companies) maintain a trust based relationship, based on transparency, engagement and a high level of privacy keeping and mutual respect. Icentered believes that with the spreading of this new zeitgeist of user centricity, transparency and user control, providers will gradually actively embrace the paradigm shift needed to enable a truly personal "web of life" for each of us.

About The is about the web. Icentered is a User side paradigm in which the individual user is at the center and is actively controlling personalization, web relations with providers and social spheres, and privacy handles - for a transparent, user centered, context based new web paradigm that enhances trust, and strives for cleaner web ecology.