Announces Complimentary Ask Experts Questions Program

The Ask Experts Questions service is complimentary on The expert answers are designed to help parents, teachers and college students succeed in school and in life with unique information and strategies., online since 1996, serves the online community by encouraging you ask their Official Experts questions and get answers to your most important questions about learning, parenting, ADHD, autism, reading, vision, bullying, how to finish college and more.

The Ask Experts Questions service is complimentary on

The expert answers are designed to help parents, teachers and college students succeed in school and in life with unique information and strategies.

The Official Experts on include: ADHD physicians Frank Barnhill, M.D. and Stephen Guffanti, M.D., Brain Health, Thyroid and Memory expert Richard Shames, M.D., Vision and Learning expert Kristy Remick, O.D., FCOVD, Bullying expert Kathy Seifert, Ph.D., Finish College expert Marcia Cantarella, Ph.D., Reading and Learning Disabilities expert Bonnie Terry, Phonics and Reading expert Alan Scalone, Speed Reading expert Abby Marks Beale, Music and Learning expert Jay Oliver, Accelerated Learning expert Colin Rose, Autism experts Eric Chessen and Joel Manzer, Homeschool expert, Rebecca Kochenderfer, Algebra expert Henry Borenson, Ed.D., and learning styles and strategies expert, Pat Wyman.

Visitors who have questions about how to help a child or adult succeed in school and in life are welcome to ask experts questions at any time.

"As a college graduate who wants to add to his specific learning and memory strategies because I am seeking a new job, I visit and not only read the latest articles but feel very comfortable asking the experts my questions. I really appreciate that they offer this service at no cost and it's been very helpful to me," says Brian Cary, graduate of Savannah College of Art and Design.

The Official Experts are listed at and questions are via the contact form at the right of the page.