How To Create An Awesome Mailing List In 7 Successful Steps

Creating a mailing list for a direct mail campaign can be an tedious and sometimes a difficult process but when done right, can be very rewarding financially for a business. It can be very hard just finding people who will give their emails out.

It just makes sense that with over a Billion people around the world all using the Internet and buying stuff online... there has to be a real, simple and honest way to make a decent living and even thrive without working your fingers to the bone for someone else's money, doesn't there?

I realized that for less than $50, you can get set up and actually begin making all your money back in weeks or even a few days later... Then, everything you make after that is icing on the cake!

I had put over $60,000 of credit card debt on my future just from my previous failed business attempts. Then, with this system, I made enough to pay it all off in one day.
--Tellman Knudson

Learning the art of how to build a list will be one of the top things an Internet Marketer must learn when owing his/her own online business. Creating a targeted mailing list will surely be the difference between success and failure in this business. Here are 7 successful models to follow that will help the growth of an email list.

Follow these 7 steps to build a mailing list:

1. Use Relevant keywords With Many Searches And Low Competition

The keywords used must be meaningful and relevant to the niche. If shoes are being promoted then keywords that talk about purses wouldn't work. Trying to promote shoes would be a big chore. It's best to choose one specific shoe that is selling for others, do some keyword research to make sure there are many searches and as low competition as possible.

Google's free keyword Tool is a good place to start your keyword research. Using the right keyword can be the difference between a mediocre mailing list or a great one.

2. Participate In Related Blog Carnivals

There are blogs for just about anything you can think of. Blog carnivals are a list of blogs that can be published on and are an excellent way to increase your mailing list.

Blog carnivals are always looking for great blog articles, and there is a carnival for almost every topic. Joining the community of contributors is a great way to get more readers and to enhance the email list.

3. Follow Sound SEO Guide Lines

SEO means Search Engine Optimization. The search engines must be feed the proper information to get the online traffic needed for a great mailing list.

In any digital business, ad copy of some type will be required to be written and the most important element of the ad copy is the headline!

To grab the attention of the reader, writing a great headline is very important. A headline can literally make or break the success of a sales letter, article or even a blog post. Using proper SEO when creating the headline will be the difference of people reading the article of not.

The placement of the keywords are also essential for good SEO. Use of proper keywords and their placement within the article or blog post is highly critical.

4. Publish Articles In Other People's Blogs

Using niche relevant keywords seek for blogs that match those keywords. Once found write a small informative blog post about the chosen keyword.

Spend some time reading posts on the sites to get a feel for what others have written. Write something that is relevant to the blog.

5. Use Resource Boxes Wisely

When an article is written most of the time an option is given that allow some information about the business. These are called resource boxes and they should have a well thought out message that describes the business. The resource box is also a very good place to carefully enter a quality keyword with a link assigned to it.

The resource box is a highly valuable tool to drive traffic and to increase the mailing list.

6. Write Quality Articles

Article Marketing is a large source of the information on the Internet today. Many online companies use article marketing to promote their business because it is low cost and very successful if done right. Article Marketing is an excellent way to increase the email list.

When writing articles, the following are some key points to focus on:

* The Title. Make sure the keyword is included.

* The opening sentence. It should entice the reader to read on.
Explain how the information being shared will offer one of more
solutions to the problem talked about in the article.

* Describe the point.
Briefly describe the point in more detail.
Create a conclusion. Stress the ultimate benefit to the reader
when they follow the ideas given. What results can they expect
to see? Report on the results to help prove the point.

7. Help Other People Online By Answering Their Questions

Visiting Question & Answer styled websites, looking for questions about a niche, then answer them.

One of the biggest advantages of doing this is it builds a reputation as an authority in that area.

When helping people with answers, drop in valuable reference links to the niche website.

After completing all these steps be certain to add a few links to which will drive traffic back the niche web page and increasing the mailing list.

A targeted email list is where the real progress begins. Working without a list is like dabbling in internet marketing but never getting to the real success. Going it alone is a long and expensive process so don't beat you're head against the wall. Instead Learn from those who know.

About Overcome Everything Inc.

Overcome Everything Inc.
139 Main Street, Suite 606 E
Brattleboro, VT
