How Safe Is Your Embryology & Andrology Lab?
Mumbai,Maharashtra, July 30, 2015 ( - IVF is such a complicated treatment, which involves not only clinical expertise, but sophisticated IVF lab services as well. Because of the many biological variables involved in IVF treatment, the success rate amongst IVF clinics varies widely. In fact, the success rates in the best clinic can be up to four times as high as the worst. The experience and the expertise of the IVF doctor make a world of a difference. The success of ivf treatment and the clinic is jointly associated with the well managed and equipped ivf lab.
The IVF lab has an extremely important role to play. Unfortunately, this is an area where lots of IVF clinics take shortcuts. Many don't even have a full-time embryologist. Their equipment is often of poor quality and routine quality control measures (for example, checking the temperature and CO2 level in the incubator and the pH of the culture medium) are never performed. Many embryologists do not have the expertise to do ICSI properly and lots do not have the confidence of being able to grow embryos to the blastocyst stage. Sadly, it’s easy to take ignorant patients for a ride, and these clinics take advantage of the patient’s ignorance.
Learn more about IVF lab infrastructure, ivf lab design and set up, equipments and accessories used in it with
The poor patients suffer, and end up failing multiple cycles, when all they need is to take treatment at a good clinic which has a good IVF lab, which can generate good-quality embryos for them. It can be hard for patients to make out which clinic is good and which clinic is bad. This is why it’s important for patients to educate themselves, so they can find out which clinic offers the facilities they need in order to maximize their chances of getting pregnant. This does require doing homework and putting in a certain amount of effort, but its well worth it when the IVF cycle succeeds.
The IVF lab equipment and the skills of embryologist play a very crucial role in IVF treatment, but most IVF patients are clueless about what happens in the lab. Every patient needs to know following points about the IVF Lab in the IVF Clinic.
1. Judge the competence of the lab: you need to do some homework for yourself! It is very important for IVF patients to do their research, so that they can understand which of the many modern assisted reproductive technologies available today are best for them. They also need to select the best IVF clinic to maximise their chances of success. The clinic can be only good if the ivf lab is.
2. Embryos in THE IVF LABORATORY: Embryos are very delicate and they need to be pampered to ensure they grow well in the lab. The lab should use disposable plastic ware to grow embryos and high quality culture medium, so that embryos can grow happily in the incubator. Embryos don't have a defence system, and are vulnerable to toxic influences such as microbes, contaminants, dust, particles and volatile organic compounds in the air. This is why it is critical that the IVF lab implements preventive measures which protect your embryos.
3. IVF Equipments: patient should find out how well equipped the lab is. Do they have backups in case of equipment failure? What happens if there is a power failure? Do they have an alert system in case the incubator malfunctions? No. of incubators also determines the nature of ivf lab. CO2 incubators are an integral part of ivf lab as embryos grow here. Placing the embryos of too many patients in one incubator is not a good idea, because every time the door of the incubator is opened, the temperature and pH of the culture medium gets disturbed; and it takes time for re-equilibration. Each of these perturbations has adverse effect on the embryos and affects their growth.
4. Quality Control in the IVF Laboratory: How clean is the air in the lab? Do they have air purifiers and Laminar flow? Air filtration is critical as the embryos are sensitive to microbes, particles and VOCs. The microscopes and laminar flow workstation need to have stage warmers. This is because temperature maintenance is very critical. Eggs and embryos are sensitive to cold shock, which is why all procedures should be performed at body temperature (37 C).
Read more about the functions and quality management and control of IVF IUI Embryology laboratory at
5. Skilled Embryologist: How good is the embryologist who will be taking care of your embryos? Is he experienced, expert and available full time? Some IVF clinics rely on travelling embryologist for performing IVF procedures. The visiting embryologist just performs the procedure and then leaves. This means there is no expert available in the IVF lab to check how well your embryos are growing. Most of these labs are not able to offer advanced procedures such as Day 5(blastocyst transfers) or vitrification, because they do not have a full-time embryologist.
In last few years there has been a boom in ART laboratories with the sole aim of living up to the challenge posed by infertility. This is mainly due to the awareness amongst the IVF specialists about the importance of ivf laboratory for the success of their treatment and clinic.
Shivani Scientific Industries is dedicated in giving its services to the fertility clinic in designing and building IVF Laboratory in India and around the globe. Several processes & equipments must be integrated into a cost effective & performing solution. For many years, their team of expert is providing successful support to achieve fully compliant ART Centre. The dedicated trained staffs at Shivani have extensive experience in setting up and designing IVF Laboratory, its Equipment’s and infertility laboratory supplies. They are Specialist in IVF IUI Laboratory setup and offer all equipment’s required for a state of the art IVF Laboratory. They have recently started a new Division for IVF consumables which brings world class products such as Wallace range of medical devices and LifeGlobal range of Culture Media.
Following is the list of some of Shivani Scientific Industries ivf equipments and services list which makes them different from others.
1. The CO2 incubator. This is the soul of the IVF lab, where fertilization occurs, and your embryos are carefully grown under controlled conditions, which mimic your body's environment.
2. IVF culture medium. Here embryos are cultured and nourished. Most IVF clinics use ready-made medium, which is quality controlled and extensively tested. They import from LifeGlobal one of the world's best companies.
3. Microscopes are the work-horse of the IVF lab, and allow the embryologist to inspect your eggs and embryos. The circular plastic dish on the heated platform of the microscope is a petri dish; and the central well contains the culture medium in which the embryos are grown .You can examine how embryos look like under the microscope here.
4. Micromanipulator. This is where ICSI is performed. It is also used to perform the embryo biopsy when doing PGD. It allows visualising the eggs, sperm and embryos because of the high degree of magnification it offers, and also allows to precisely manipulate the fine pipettes which are used to perform surgery on the eggs and embryos.
5. Freeze Control. It provides a patented and reliable method for heat transfer and temperature regulation in the freezing of embryos for long term preservation and viable recovery. These are liquid nitrogen containers, in which sperm and embryos are frozen and preserved at -196 C.
6. Quality of air. VOC meter keeps a track of VOC levels in the air, to make sure that embryos don't come in contact with any toxic VOCs.
7. Training embryologist. EART a division of Shivani provides hands on training in clinical embryology, comprehensive embryology services to clinics, site survey, designing & turn key projects and comprehensive services for implementation of quality management system (QMS) and much more.
Shivani is Specialist in IVF IUI Laboratory setup and offer all equipment’s required for a state of the art IVF Laboratory. For one stop solutions for everything in In Vitro field for fertility clinics and its Embryology lab including IVF Equipments, IVF Consumables, IVF Turnkey Projects Global Solutions, IVF Training and IVF Quality Control Laboratory, you can contact any of their expert team or them at or for getting professional help on setting up your world class IVF setup.