How Safe Are Patients on Long Island? PULSE Center for Patient Safety to Host July 25 Webinar

Wantagh, NY, July 21, 2016 ( - Do you understand your choices of where to go after leaving the hospital?
Have you heard a friend or colleague say that they didn't understand what their clinician was talking about?
Do you get medication from the pharmacist and don't know what you are signing?
Have you heard a colleague say that their clinician wasn't listening?
Have you heard of nursing shortages, long waits in the clinic or not being able to pick a doctor of your choice?
All these experiences point to the potential for a breakdown in safe patient care. This affects all of us.
So, in honor of Patient Safety Day, July 25, 2016, the people of Long Island are invited to participate in a Zoom video conference call at 8:00 PM to discuss patient safety on Long Island. If you have personal experience of local patient safety issues, or insights into how we may protect patients from harm, please share them with your fellow Long Islanders. Together we can make a difference.
Participation is by invitation only. Call to request yours: PULSE Center for Patient Safety Education & Advocacy (formerly PULSE of NY), 516-579-4711. Participants may have a speaking role or simply observe, but in either case pre-registration is required by noon Friday 7/22/16.
To participate, your computer must have a camera and microphone.
Source: The PULSE Center for Patient Safety Education and Advocacy