Houston Events Equips Interns for Lasting Success

Houston Events’ CEO highlighted the firm’s internship program and a special bonus participants can earn. He also discussed the career-boosting benefits of such a learning opportunity.

Houston Events has achieved steady growth due in part to its extensive training program, which includes in-depth education for interns. The CEO recently announced the firm’s summer internship program. The CEO stated, “Participants will be eligible for a $1,000 bonus this year, and we hope this makes them even more excited about taking part.”

"We give students and grads all the tools they need to learn new marketing skills and take on business 101 knowledge."

To earn this bonus, Houston Events interns need to achieve attendance targets, take on extra responsibilities, and meet various leadership growth milestones. The program lasts until August, so participants will have to commit themselves to making the most of the opportunity if they want to achieve this incentive. 

Those who complete the Houston Events internship program receive valuable guidance from seasoned team members. They also get to help with key projects and interact with the owners behind represented companies. The CEO remarked, “We give students and grads all the tools they need to learn new marketing skills and take on business 101 knowledge. They leave us well-equipped to handle any professional challenge that presents itself.”

Houston Events’ CEO Details the Benefits Internships Provide

The CEO explained that completing an internship has become more important in a competitive job market. He commented, “Employers want to know that a candidate has some experience to go along with his or her educational achievements. The expanded resumes and contact lists interns possess make them more attractive potential hires. Those who earn the $1,000 bonus will have even more added value to bring into their interviews. After all, they’ll have an additional and recent accomplishment to highlight.”

Those who take part in the program also get the opportunity to relate what they’ve learned in their college classrooms to real-world applications. This is a key driver of their success, because they know how to use their unique talents to meet sales goals, set benchmarks, and create plans for meeting them. “Confidence takes a big leap when someone completes an internship,” added the CEO. “We see that here in the Houston Events office every summer.”

Cultural etiquette is another important area in which successful participants receive education. The CEO explained, “You have to be able to handle yourself in a busy office environment. The students and new graduates who come to Houston Events learn how to treat colleagues and customers with respect. These lessons last their entire careers and boost their emotional intelligence levels as well.”

About Houston Events:

Houston Events provides full consulting and promotional services. The firm’s branding specialists offer interactive strategies to brands that allow them to fill new markets to saturation. Their unique methods of outreach drive substantial financial returns. By offering scalable campaigns, Houston Events is able to serve brands large and small in a variety of industries. Their reputation for flexibility and success has enabled them to build an impressive portfolio. Visit houstoneventsinc.com to find out more about the growth opportunities this company has to offer.

Source: http://houstoneventsinc.com