Houston Complete Hires Grads, Advises College Students

The leaders at Houston Complete recognize the value in hiring college graduates. The firm's presidents discussed this and shared some career planning tips for college students.

“College graduates have a lot to offer a company, and we do our best to attract them to our organization,” stated Jason H. and Chris C., the presidents at Houston Complete. “We feel our firm is an ideal destination for career-minded grads, and we always look forward to graduation season along with a new crop of ambitious young professionals.”

Among the benefits offered by new college graduates are their familiarity with state-of-the-art technology and their willingness to apply fresh concepts. Jason explained, “It’s easy to get set in your ways as a busy professional, so it’s always nice when a new addition to our team embraces an innovative method. They have a way of inspiring the rest of the associates to follow suit. It may apply to a new research method or using a new tech tool to make our work a bit easier.”

"Our training program is comprehensive, but we take things a step further by investing in each person's success,"

Chris , President

Company leaders believe their progressive approach to training helps them attract talented graduates. “Our training program is comprehensive, but we take things a step further by investing in each person’s success,” Chris commented. “Every new addition to the Houston Complete team gets matched with an experienced associate. With this type of one-to-one education, we prepare our people to meet any challenge and learn the industry from the ground up.”

Houston Completes Leaders Offer Career-Planning Advice for College Students

Jason and Chris have some advice to help college students prepare themselves for rewarding careers. The presidents look for career-focused graduates when adding to the Houston Complete team, and they have certain attributes in mind as they evaluate candidates.

One thing the presidents encourage students to do is gain work experience, whether through part-time jobs or internships. “It’s great when you can explore your career options by serving internships, but any work experience during college is a big bonus,” Chris added. “You can pick up valuable skills and insights with almost any type of part-time work, so don’t feel limited to the industry in which you plan to pursue a career.”

Networking is also a pursuit that college students shouldn’t overlook. “You don’t have to be a professional to make helpful new contacts,” Jason said. “When you’re in college, you have access to professors, administrators, even fellow students who might have important connections. We at Houston Complete encourage every college student to take a look around campus and find potential network contacts, because you never know when or how they might be able to help you in the future.”

About Houston Complete  

 Houston Complete provides full consulting and promotional services. The firm’s branding specialists offer interactive strategies to brands that allow them to fill new markets to saturation. Their unique methods of outreach drive substantial financial returns. By offering scalable campaigns, Houston Complete is able to serve brands large and small in a variety of industries. Their reputation for flexibility and success has enabled them to build an impressive portfolio. Visit houstoncomplete.com to find out more about the growth opportunities this company has to offer.