Housing and Economic Rights Advocates (HERA)--Upcoming Financial Wellness Workshops

FREE workshops!

Wrongful Foreclosure Workshop--September 10th, 2016 9:00 a.m., location: Lakeview Senior Center, 20 Lake Road Irvine, CA-- If you think your lender wrongfully foreclosed on your home, then join us to learn about new court rulings that offer options for consumers to seek remedies and how non-profit agencies can help you explore options. Opportunity to ask questions to a HUD housing counselor and Learn about your legal options. Please RSVP and follow the link for more information. (Presentaciones en Inglés y Español)​

USCG Student Debt Training-- September 14th, 2016 

Credit & Debt Workshop-- September 14th, 2016, location: One Stop Career Center Ohlone College Campus

 Student Debt Workshop--October 4th, 2016 2:00- 5:00 p.m., location: 3055 Oak Road Walnut Creek, CA—For those struggling to repay student loans and former students of Heald, Wyotech, Everest and Marinello Colleges. Do you want to know whether your federal student loans can be forgiven and how? How to get your federal student loans out of default and lower your payment? What to do about your private student loans? Please RSVP and follow the link for more information. 

Student Debt Workshop--October 19th, 2016 in San Francisco, California

If you are interested in attending a workshop, or learning about future workshops please visit our website http://heraca.org/ to find more information.

Source: Housing and Economic Rights Advocates

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About Housing and Economic Rights Advocates (HERA)

HERA is a California statewide, not-for-profit legal service and advocacy organization dedicated to helping Californians — particularly those most vulnerable — build a safe, sound financial future, free of discrimination and economic abuses, in all a

Housing and Economic Rights Advocates (HERA)
1814 Franklin Street , #Ste 1040
Oakland, CA

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