Home Décor by RLTS Offers the Latest in Home Decor

Home Décor by RLTS shares deals and information about decorating

A new site, Home Décor by RLTS, is helping users find the latest information about home décor, along with deals.

One recent post examined ways to make boring walls more interesting—a mural.

"We want to give people the information on the latest trends, as well as access to products to keep their homes up to date. We want to be a resource for people who want to spruce up their homes.

Ruth Schwab, Owner

“Nothing can transform a room or living space like a custom wall mural,” the site wrote. Now before you bust out the standard list of objections (such as “I’m not artistic” or “I don’t want to paint that big of a space”), I’m here to tell you the process can be easy, inexpensive, and dare I say, even fun? The best way to get started is to contact a local sign making company. Pick out a series of photos, a single photo, or some other design for your mural. Measure your wall in question, and have the sign company make you your new wall décor.”

Another post looked at upcoming trends in interior design.

“Looking to add a bit of trendiness to your home, or replace dated décor before it falls out of style?” the site asked. “Softening up the austere efficiency of modern furnishings with traditional pillows, quilts, and other ornamentation looks to be a top trend on the horizon. Classic dishware and traditional tables and settings also seem poised for a return in 2016, according to many top interior design experts.”

More information is available at http://homedecorbyrlts.com/.