Hobby Math Website Offers a Grant for Those in Addiction Recovery, and Traditional Scholarships

Creator of small website believes that funds should be available for more than just traditional college-bound students.

CalcuNation.com Scholarships

What started as a small hobby website, CalcuNation.com is now a source of funds for those trying to improve their lives.

Jon Richardson, founder of CalcuNation.com, started the website in 2011. At that time, Jon was traveling a lot for work, and spent many evenings in hotel rooms. To pass the time, he started creating online calculators and put them together as a website. While he admits he's not the best at creating websites, it's an interesting hobby. Now, after 10 years, the website has developed some revenue from ads placed on the site.

With these funds, a scholarship and grant program has been created to help put this money to use. While scholarships for college or vocational schools may seem commonplace, there are also funds available for those recovering from addiction and for teachers looking for help with school supplies.

More information can be found at:


Email: contact@calcunation.com

Source: CalcuNation.com