Highland Presents, Inc. on Anniversary, Supporting Homeless

The Highland Presents, Inc. team is celebrating their first year in business. The firm's associates also recently supported Foundation for the Homeless and tested three new products for representation in the marketplace.

“There are a lot of great things taking place at Highland Presents, Inc., but one of the most exciting is that we recently celebrated our one-year anniversary! Seeing how far our company has come has truly been an emotional experience for all,” declared Sarah, the company President. “We have strived to reach our goals while still setting higher goals to hit – this way we are always reaching for greatness. We are happy to have the team members we do, because they form the backbone to our success.”

The first year of business is a tumultuous time for any company, and Sarah’s pride is obvious. Not only was Highland Presents, Inc. able to establish itself with consumers in the Austin area, but the firm also adhered to solid operating practices and principles, and in the process created a collaborative team of high performers. As an example of just how successful and unified the Highland Presents, Inc. crew has become in such a short time, they recently took part in a pillow drive to support Foundation for the Homeless.

"If just getting involved in a good cause isn't enough, any one of these reasons should help motivate a business leader to take action,"

Sarah, President

“Foundation for the Homeless is an amazing organization, and has been helping families in Central Texas for over 30 years,” Sarah explained. “Our team really pulled together and collected over 200 pillows to donate. It’s always an honor to be able to give back to our community in any way that we can, and it’s great to see our team bond over such a worthwhile cause as well. Philanthropy is a core Highland Presents, Inc. value, and to be able to live it out like this is a true testament to our success as a company.”

Sarah pointed out that there are several notable reasons any company should take part in charitable events like this. Not only does it help generate respect for the business and help it build a solid reputation in the area, benevolent acts also make the community a better place to both live and work. What’s more, team members feel proud of working for a company that takes part in giveback events, which increases engagement and productivity. Finally, being civic minded brings socially responsible businesspeople together, creating networking opportunities for everyone involved. “If just getting involved in a good cause isn’t enough, any one of these reasons should help motivate a business leader to take action,” Sarah declared.

Highland Presents, Inc. Takes New Products Out for a Test Run

Getting the opportunity to represent a new brand is always an exciting prospect for Highland Presents, Inc. professionals. Recently, the firm was able to triple enthusiasm by testing the market for three new products. “We feel privileged to be one of the selected businesses to try this out. We are excited to prove we are able to successfully hit our goals and gain partnerships with new clients. This is really the icing on the cake for a great year!”

About Highland Presents, Inc.

Highland Presents, Inc. is a reputed promotional services firm with years of experience representing valued brands. The firm’s branding specialists create and implement customized event-based outreach initiatives that produce heightened visibility and buyer engagement. The company’s track record of success in the marketing industry has enabled them to expand into new areas. As a result, they generate greater profitability than conventional outreach approaches. A commitment to the core values of integrity and teamwork has separated Highland Presents, Inc. from its competition. The organization’s experts continue to build the reputations of the products they promote.

Source: Highland Presents, Inc.