High-End Equipment Allowing Best Treatments for the Neo-Natal Patients

With an unique line of neo-natal products in the medical industry, the patients can find some real time solutions to the critical diseases.

​Growth has been the essence of any development. And when it's the medical industry, there has been no end to it. Very recently, the neo-natal care has been one of the prime concern of the all the experts in the world of medicine, and there's enough reason behind that. Since most of the fatal incidences recorded in these neo-natal patients are due to the wrongful disposal of fluids, the experts have tried to look for solutions that can free them of this headache.

NeoMed Inc. has been in the industry since 2007, with the core vision of developing and marketing equipment that would cater to the pediatric safety enteral systems and eliminate all sort of misconnection errors. Our first products were oral/enteral syringes, extension sets and feeding tubes which were designed to prevent inadvertent connections to luer slip or luer locking devices. For a matter of fact, the NeoMed Enteral Safety System became the first system that complies with all of the recommendations set forth by ASPEN, AAMI, The Joint Commission and the USP Medication Safety Forum.

All our ISO Enfit Connectors,have been efficiently developed to mitigate the critical issues and ensure the best service to the patients. All our connectors are one-piece single molded barrel with ENFit connector significantly reduces the possibility of misconnection that may lead to wrong route administration. Each of the syringe packages has a tip cap included, so the nurse doesn’t need to search for and open a separate package containing the tip cap. The securely plugged tip caps help secure the contents for confident transport before use. All our unique click to close feature requires no twisting for placement at all.

There are several future products under development which are being specifically designed to improve clinical outcomes and enhance enteral safety expanding beyond the neonatal patient into Pediatrics and Adult applications. We are open to all kind of requests and suggestions. Visit us at http://www.neomedinc.com/product/bulk-packaged-pharmacy-syringe-enteral/ for details on oral dispenser syringe or contact us at 770-516-2225.

About the Company

NeoMed, Inc. was formed in 2007 to meet the need of creating quality neonatal devices dedicated to enhancing patient safety and with the vision of producing enteral systems that eliminated dangerous misconnection errors commonly resulting from using IV products to deliver enteral nutrition.

Source: Neo Med