HempSX Limited Signs Founder Partner to Establish the First Stock Exchange Platform for the Medical Marijuana and Wider Industries.

HempSX operates MarijuanaSX.com (MSX) the fit for purpose early stage Stock Exchange platform servicing the Cannabis, CBD, Hemp and Medical Marijuana sector and has signed a deal with Brian Main of Tree of Knowledge, Inc. for the Golden Founder slot.

MSX is a Fintech platform to trade equities and provide key information on companies both quoted and listed on the platform. It is anticipated that the platform will be live for trading by the end of Q1 2018 when all companies quoted in the run-up will be able to convert the quotation to a listing enabling them to trade securities.

Tree of Knowledge, Inc. (TOK), co-founded by Brian Main and Michael Caridi, has grown from a small boutique operation into an internationally recognized company. TOK started with small distribution networks and then turned to international markets, Brazil being the first. TOK, through its industrial hemp brand, EVR, has created medicines for Autistic patients as well as Epilepsy and Parkinson's Disease www.evrbrasil.com.br. TOK also expanded their operations with EVR through South America, Asia, and Europe. TOK has forged relationships with many industry giants.

The capital markets for CBD oil, cannabis and hemp-related sector will all come under the corporate structure of HempSX Limited, a U.K. company. HempSX Limited acquired IP and Tech from AlliedSX Ltd to operate the exchange and has exclusivity within the related sectors on a global basis.

A dedicated team of industry experts, seasoned capital markets professionals and technical programmers have combined to deliver the platform and make the necessary changes required for the tech to fit the sector specifically.

MSX has databased over 2000 companies it intends to auto-onboard to the platform where companies can then go to claim their quotation and be visible to investors. The matching platform brings sophisticated investors and qualifying companies together to create premium investor enthusiasm opportunities in the medical marijuana, hemp and cannabis sector.

Edward Fitzpatrick CEO of AlliedSX said, "This is a vital milestone in this sector-based Exchange as we need key industry insights and links to the differentiators which set quality companies apart from the crowd. We have a duty to provide the best data, digitally delivered to our investor base and now we look forward to welcoming more founder partners alongside Mr. Main who invested 1,000,000 GBP with us to close this deal."

Brian Main said "TOK prides itself in creating health and wellness products and medicines www.evrcbd.com using the highest quality ingredients giving an alternative health and wellness pathway. TOK is continuously studying new methodologies to create products designed for specific ailments."

He continued, "After reviewing the experiences and successes of the MarijuanaSX Team and knowing the trajectory of the industry, it was clear that this Golden Founder position would be an incredible opportunity. The partnership between MarijuanaSX and the Marijuana and Industrial Hemp Industry will enable us to build a solid foundation for years to come for investing and creating vehicles for entrepreneurs in this blossoming Industry. I am honored to be given this position from the MarijuanaSX team and am looking forward to a bright future."

MarijuanaSX has a demo trading platform live on the site and anyone can open a demo account only at this stage to see how the trading platform operates.

For more information:

Web: www.marijuanasx.com​
​Phone: +44 20 8144 1220​
​Email: Brian Main - brian.main@MarijuanaSX.com​
​Email: Edward Fitzpatrick - tellus@MarijuanaSX.com​
​Twitter: @MarijuanaSX

Source: HempSX Limited

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