Health Advocates Criticize the Pennsylvania Restrictive Abortion Bill

( The Pennsylvania House Bill 1948 put forward few days ago underlines restrictions on abortion, inviting huge criticism from women health advocates, citizens, and the Planned Parenthood Federation of America. The proposal in the bill limits availability of pregnancy termination services to 20 weeks, than earlier allowed 24 weeks gestation. Also it bans the dilation and evacuation surgical procedure, which makes it much more difficult for females to opt ending pregnancy later than 10 weeks.

Though the U.S. Supreme Court has ordered states not to interfere in the termination of fetus until 24 weeks of gestation, 12 states prohibit pregnancy ending until only 20 weeks, and now Pennsylvania is adding to the list. The bill has not been formed into a law, and there are opponents voicing their concerns already. The co sponsors of the bill support the bill, as they say that fetus is able to feel pain after 20 weeks, which even if true, is contradictory to cases where abortion is mandatory due to medical emergencies.

The Pennsylvania House Bill 1948 put forward few days ago underlines restrictions on abortion.

How the Bill Goes Against Medical Logic?

As per laws of many states, a woman can terminate her pregnancy if the fetus is suffering from deformity, and cannot survive for long or will face a lot of complications after birth. An ultrasound scan of the unborn can reveal problem with its vital organs only after the 18 or 20 weeks of gestation. In case the baby then is diagnosed with some severe defect, pregnancy termination may be chosen by the mother. However, if the bill becomes law, this will be impossible, and invite a lot of troubles for females.

Citizens came up to narrate their stories of late term pregnancy ending in medical situations. One Kelsey Williams said that her 20-week old fetus was suffering from serious muscle deformity, which led her to opt for abortion, again a very difficult decision, but one that was necessary. Karen Agatone was pregnant 20 weeks when she learned the daughter in womb had severe dwarfism making sure she would die soon after birth. So, she had to end the pregnancy.

If the House Bill 1948 would have been a law then, such women would not have been able to take the important decision, and stripped up vital reproductive care facilities. Cecile Richards, the President of Planned Parenthood Federation of America condemns the bill, while saying that politicians should stop interfering in women’s healthcare, as they had no right to decide for the life and body of the female in such matters. Furthermore, ban on dilation evacuation regimen is totally unreasonable.

The Statistics of Late-Term Pregnancy Terminations

The bill was proposed by the representation R-Warren Country, Kathy Rapp and cosponsored by D-Cambria County, Bryan Cutler, Bryan Barbin, and R-Lancaster County. But, the proposal aims to remove the mandate of signed copy by the spouse of woman to permit abortion. The supreme court of U.S. had ruled that the baby’s father cannot have a say in the decision. As per statistics, 1 percent of all the pregnancy terminations in the 2014 were done at 21 weeks gestation or after.

Nearly 5 percent of abortions in Pennsylvania were done by dilation and evacuation procedure, as per the state Department of Health. The legislation was deemed unsuitable for medical process, due to which women may have to hurry or take a decision to end pregnancy early, while they could still keep a healthy pregnancy later. This means the rate of pregnancy endings would increase than decrease and people who could have carried a full-term birth would be forced to make a decision early for abortion.


Marcella Hines
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