Hay Now! NCH Australia Helps Farmers This September

It's past the time to do the right thing and help our farmers.

We hear the stories of desolate crops and the dying cattle and we read the endless headlines about the tragic circumstances facing farmers across Australia. And NCH Australia decided to join others in helping the farmers through the toughest of times. 

This autumn is so far the fourth-warmest on record in Australia, with below-average rainfall for most of the country, according to Bureau of Meteorology, and particularly New South Wales and many parts of the central and eastern region of the state are currently at 100 percent drought - not to mention all other territories around the country. The last record of drought experienced like this crisis was back in 1902 when the entire Australian wheat crop was all but lost.

Everyone needs to come together and help the farmers during this crisis. I can't imagine what it must be like to lose a fourth-generation farm or not be able to put food on the table.

Stephen Scahill, NCH Australia Country Manager

So with this, NCH Australia has committed to donating one percent of its sales revenue to Buy A Bale charity that is assisting aid to farming and rural communities with bales of hay for their livestock. 

Buy A Bale, as well as other registered charities, have been running this initiative successfully with partners like NCH in addressing the challenges farmers are experiencing. 

"Everyone needs to come together and help the farmers during this crisis. I can't imagine what it must be like to lose a fourth-generation farm or not be able to put food on the table," says Country Manager Stephen Scahill of NCH Australia.

The key is to ensure that businesses get involved to help out, but that due diligence is done in how they go about helping. Registered charities are available to offer assistance and they are the ones that ensure the proceeds and donations get spread evenly to the rural and farming communities.

For more information about the "Help us help our farmers" initiative with NCH Australia, please contact Marketing at marketing.australia@nch.com.

NCH Corporation was established in 1919 in Dallas, Texas, as a company to produce and sell maintenance products. NCH is providing products and services in 50 countries around the world with over USD $1 billion in sales, with more than 8,000 employees working for the company. NCH provides effective solutions specialized for maintenance of industrial facilities, including its over 400 patented products.



Source: NCH Australia

About NCH Australia

NCH has been a global leader in industrial and commercial maintenance products and services since 1919. Our superior solutions maximize efficiency and keep facilities and equipment running in optimum condition at reduced cost.

NCH Australia
5-9 Ralph Street
Alexandria, NSW

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