Hawk Elements Updates Training, Discusses Travel Opps

Hawk Elements' President announced that it is changing their training focus to encourage growth through constant learning.

“The other leaders and I at Hawk Elements are firm believers in constantly innovating training strategies,” stated Ben, the company President. “No matter where someone is in the cycle of development, the best mentality he or she can have is that of a student. In our industry especially, it doesn’t matter if a person is entry level or an executive – the journey will require he or she to constantly learn and grow.”

With this in mind, Ben and the Hawk Elements training team shared that they plan to innovate the educational focus this quarter. Specifically, personal growth through learning will be highlighted in order to build highly self-motivated individuals that want to be part of an organization that is at the cusp of next-level performance.

"Shout-outs are not the only way we thank our top producers, though,"

Ben, President

“When we finish creating a curriculum outline that will help expedite the process of training people to become dynamic, Hawk Elements’ numbers will shoot through the roof! These are exactly the professionals we want on our team: problem solvers who don’t need to be micromanaged and that get excited for the success of the brands we represent,” Ben clarified.

One of the biggest hurdles Ben mentioned facing in this endeavor is the old nature versus nurture debate. According to Hawk Elements’ President, many people operate under the false impression that business leaders are born, not made. While there are certainly inherited factors like intelligence at play in achievement, other vital components such as self-discipline, creative thinking, and assertiveness can be taught – and by focusing on these learned soft skills, Ben plans on creating a team of top producers.

Results Are Rewarded at Hawk Elements

“I think it’s important to point out that the Hawk Elements team already has some exemplary associates, and these are people we’re hoping to model everyone after,” Ben said. “Vashonays, Kandes, and Jalisa bring their A game to work with them every day, and have exactly the attitude and work ethic we hope for.”

Also, Ben pointed out that Nick has been very receptive to the idea of innovating the training materials, and has played a big role in making this ambitious project a reality. As one of the firm’s top trainers, he’s already been setting the standard, but his enthusiasm for progress has been truly inspirational.

“Shout-outs are not the only way we thank our top producers, though,” Ben confirmed. “There are several rewards we like to implement, though one of my personal favorites is travel. Not only is it exciting and fun, but it provides a chance to learn that is unlike any other. There are several kinds of business trips we like to send Hawk Elements associates on too. For example, cross-training in a different part of the country exposes team members to new techniques and best practices that work on a different demographic.”

The firm also attends weekend conferences and leadership events, one of which Vashonays recently returned from, while offering a luxurious rest and relaxation retreat annually as well for those who qualify. Ben shared, “We plan on choosing four or five people next month, but before we do we are planning on tracking the success rate of each team member since this person will have to qualify in order to attend the retreat. Without a doubt, the next few weeks will be an exciting time for us all!”

About Hawk Elements, Inc.

Hawk Elements, Inc. provides comprehensive consulting and advertising services, and its team is dedicated to delivering dynamic solutions to businesses in need of assistance as they expand into new markets. The firm’s diverse group of branding specialists utilize unique means of communication to ensure widespread, compelling, and immediate impact. By leveraging groundbreaking outreach strategies, they expertly cultivate well-connected relationships between clients and consumers that result in heightened awareness and loyalty, as well as measurable profitability. The organization’s history of excellence has enabled its professionals to serve a sizable portfolio of businesses. To learn more about the company’s revolutionary services, visit hawkelementsinc.com today.

Source: Hawk Elements