Harmony Foundation - Excellent Alcohol & Drug Rehabilitation Center in Mumbai

For drug and alcohol free society, Harmony Foundation has come up with various programs and innovative ideas. To build the self esteem of the addict and to show them the correct path is the genuine motto of this rehabilitation center.

(http://harmonyrehabilitationcenter.org/) :  Due to the tough competition and to lead in this rat race, some of the youngsters get stressed out and to chill out from this tension, they take help of alcohol and drugs. Short period of fun changes their life and they don’t even realize when they became addicted to these harmful products. When this addiction crossed its limit, Abhijeet Patil, a common man, came forward with this beautiful thought of rehabilitation center in Mumbai. He realized that before the city gets drown in these harmful products, we need to do something. In this way, alcohol rehabilitation center in Mumbai was established. This foundation is unique from others as they have the excellent and standard facilities which will change the life of the addict in a positive way. Addicts are treated just like a family member and personal attention is given to each individual. Here, the health professionals are well trained and have immense experience. They know very well how to tackle the addicts and how to divert their mind from alcohol and drugs. Even, other staff is very co-operative and they take care of the residents in a proper way.

Treatments available in Harmony Foundation

Agreed, that all the rehabilitation centers do offer world class treatments, but Harmony Foundation is special and unique in a way. Here, each and every member of the team work as a family and they give their heart and soul for the well being of the resident. Addicts can become free from alcohol within 6-9 months with the programs such as alcohol detoxification. Yoga, meditation and many other activities are also organized. Because of such activities, the resident will come out from his shell and can share his feelings with everyone.  Every year, AA & NA meetings are also organized. Harmony Foundation is one of the best Drug rehabilitation centers in Mumbai. Drug rehab programs, spiritual practice, and many other sessions are taken by the health experts. Family member’s session is also taken, in which their morale is being boosted.

Why to go at Harmony Foundation rehab center?

Addict comes close to nature

Becomes more responsible

Proper treatments are given

Various activities are carried out

Complete personality of the addict get changed

These are the reasons why Harmony Foundation is the best rehabilitation center in Mumbai.

When asked Mr. Abhijeet Patil, Founder of Harmony Foundation, what other changes will be seen in the upcoming years and what are the future plans or goals? He said, “we are happy that till now our Foundation is getting great response from the society and our team will surely come up with new and unique methods which will become easier for the addict to become alcohol & drug free. We will give our best and will make India an alcohol and drug free country.“

For more visit http://harmonyrehabilitationcenter.org/

About Harmony Foundation:

Harmony Foundation is one of the best rehabilitation centers in Mumbai which works for the betterment of the addicts. Various programs are arranged to get rid of alcohol & drug addiction. Highly qualified and experienced doctors are available who takes care of the individual personally. Various activities are arranged. Hygienic and happy environment is available.