Harley's Dream Founder Named One of the Colorado Women of Vision

BERTHOUD, Colo., July 13, 2019 (Newswire.com) - Harley's Dream co-founder, Rudi Taylor, is being honored as one of the Women of Vision by the Colorado Women of Influence Foundation. Rudi is being recognized for her years of effort educating and spreading awareness about the cruel commercial dog breeding industry, also known as puppy mills. Along with 11 other honorees, Rudi will attend the 10th Annual Women of Vision Gala at the Fort Collins Hilton on July 24.
“I am very honored to be chosen as one of the 2019 Women of Vision. It’s humbling to share this recognition with 11 other amazing honorees. Harley’s Dream was truly a dream – a vision – to memorialize the life of a tiny one-eyed dog and continue his work to end puppy mills. Harley’s legacy lives on in the hearts of thousands of volunteers across the US and around the world who work daily to end the suffering. Knowing that the hard work inspired by this tiny little hero is being recognized in this way makes me so proud.” - Rudi Taylor
In addition to Rudi Taylor, the following women are also being honored as 2019 Colorado Women of Vision for their inspirational work in their professional and volunteer endeavors.
- Ann Yanagi, M.D. - Ft. Collins - Instrumental in creating the SANE (Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner) program and the UCHealth Cancer and Hematology Center, Founder of the Health and Wellness Community Orchestra.
- Carol Ann Hixon - Ft. Collins - Patron, volunteer and fundraiser of the Arts: Sponsor of ArtWear Fashion Week at the Lincoln Center to raise funds to support the Lincoln Center Art Gallery, endowed the Hixon Family Scholarship at CSU for students majoring in English, dance, or art.
- Danette Haag - Windsor - After living through/with a traumatic burn injury as a child, Danette became an inspirational speaker for Soul on Fire-Beauty from Ashes.
- Debbie Baker, Ph.D. - Greeley - Retired after 28 years in Air Force, Debbie attained her doctorate in counseling and developed Greeley's first Grief Center.
- Floris "Flo" Mikkelson - Greeley - Lifetime advocate for Seniors and a tireless volunteer with Greeley/Weld Senior Foundation, Weld County Area Agency on Aging Senior Nutrition Committee and the Senior Center Advisory Committee.
- Holly Petitt - Loveland - In 2008 Holly created the nonprofit, Africa Bags, to help women in villages in Malawi learn a skill and earn an income by making beautiful tote bags. Today, 3,000 to 4,000 bags a year are sold through Africa Bags.
- Ilene Wical - Laporte - Founding board member in 1967 of the Larimer Humane Society, later becoming the first shelter manager and then executive director.
- Jacki Marsh - Loveland - Lifetime advocate for women's participation in sports and one of the first elite female athletes in distance running; entrepreneur, political activist, Mayor of Loveland.
- JoAn Hopkins - Ft. Collins - Founded Sexual Assault Victims Advocates group (SAVA), the Northern Colorado Sexual Assault Task Force, a Fort Collins chapter of Families Anonymous, and the Center for Abused Women.
- Meredith Hodges - Loveland - Founder of the Colorado Mule and Donkey Society. Author of six books, producer of 48 television episodes and ten DVDs on "Training Mules and Donkeys;" creator of the Jasper the Mule series of children's books and movies. Lifetime Sponsor by Hearts & Horses, and awarded "Champion for Children" by Boys & Girls Club of Larimer County,
- Ruth Alexander, Ph.D. - Ft. Collins - First female tenure-track faculty member in CSU's history department, becoming chair of the department in 1999. A well-published author and historian of race, gender, and sexuality in the United States. She is a Faculty Council Chair of the Public Lands History Center at CSU.
About the Colorado Women of Influence Foundation |
The Colorado Women of Influence Foundation is a professional organization for women that focuses on developing, organizing, and promoting activities that educate, encourage, support, and enhance the growth of women in business. About Harley Harley, the tiny senior one-eyed Chihuahua depicted in the compelling billboard lived for 10 years in a puppy mill, losing his eye when his cage was power-washed with him still in it. He was rescued, and because of his work against puppy mills, went on to receive the 2015 American Hero Dog Award. Sadly, Harley passed away in March 2016, but his legacy lives on ... his mission will continue until puppy mills no longer exist. Harley inspired so many people to do great things, and he continues to be the voice for the hundreds of thousands of dogs suffering in puppy mills today. About Harley's Dream Harley’s Dream, formed in Harley’s memory, is a grass-roots, non-profit organization whose mission is to educate the public about the cruel puppy mill industry. They believe that a grassroots approach by large groups of concerned citizens is the most effective way to bring about change. Their focus is to encourage advocacy by providing the tools necessary to educate children and adults alike. Learn about Harley’s Dream: www.harleysdream.org |
Source: Harley's Dream